Fishing Bay Challenge Bowl


Presented in 1995 by Past Commodore Ian G. Lorimer, this perpetual trophy is to be used by Fishing Bay Yacht Club to select a boat or boats to represent the Club in a designated sailing activity. Each year the Commodore shall select an appropriate event or activity, which either needs a boost in participation, or is deserving of special recognition. The award will be made at the conclusion of the elimination series. The designated activity may be changed annually as determined by the Commodore. An announcement stipulating which activity has been selected for that fiscal year should be made to the Club's membership prior to the start of the sailing season. A majority vote of the FBYC Board of Trustees may alter the provision of this deed, if in the future it is deemed necessary. This trophy was presented in 1995 and 1996 to the winner of the match race series that determined the skipper and boat to represent FBYC in the Potts Southern Bay Challenge Cup.

1995    J-22 - Just Another Floozie- David Lee
1996   J-29 - Titallation - Paul Anderson
1997   Not Awarded
1998   Not Awarded
1999   Not Awarded
2000   Not Awarded
2001   Strother Scott, Jr. - Fall Opti Class
2002   David Hazlehurst - PHRF Non-Spin
2003   Charles E. Hall & J. Cameron Hoggan, Jr. – Flying Scot Class
2004   Alex O’Toole, skipper & Chris Fehn, crew – 420 Class
2005   Madeleine Alderman - Optimist Class
2006   Michael Miller, Michael Schmidt, Travis Weisleder - Flying Scot Team
2007   Not Awarded
2008   Michael W. Dale
2009   J. Bradley Davis
2010   She Crab Soup - Cyane B. Crump, Will Crump, Beverly Crump
2011   Matthew J. Braun - Front Runner
2012   Craig R. Wright
2013   Not Awarded
2014   Blake and Lud Kimbrough
2015   Walker Angus
2016   John Kalinowski
2017   Boyd Bragg
2018   Dan & Gannon Troutman
2019   Craig Ciszewski
2020   Not Awarded
2021   Not Awarded
2022   Wade Thomas
2023   Not Awarded


Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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