AUG. 7-8, 2004
Have you heard? Pirates are back in the waters surrounding FBYC!!!
Please mark your calendars and help defend your club against modern day pint-sized marauders during the Annual FBYC kid's cruise on August 7-8 2004! Saturday's activities will include a cruise to FBYC, a battle on the high seas, a burgee contest, a 'walking the plank' (cannon ball) contest, a treasure hunt, and a cookout. Participating boats can raft up in Fishing Bay. Last year, a fun time was had by all so please come on out and make this year's event even better! Pirate dress is requested. Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, AM. Further details will be posted on the website, and in the LOG.
Contact: Jim Morrison at 804 739 6062 (home),
Jon Moody at 804 649 3276 (office), 804 334 0893 (cell),