Join Nancy & Sam Stoakley for an early season cruise to an exotic or, at least, not upwind destination to be determined later. We will plan to gather at Fannie's House at 9:00 AM on Saturday, June 17th to share coffee, pastries and opinions as to a suitable destination for our group. Our decision will be based upon weather conditions, dining options, if any, and the overall level of adventure and fun of the assembled group. Please be prepared to bring an hors d'oeuvres to share with the group Saturday afternoon and to call that dinner if we find ourselves isolated from shoreside dining options. Plan to anchor out overnight and head back to Deltaville on Sunday morning. Chaired by Nancy and Sam Stoakley. Please register at or contact Nancy & Sam by email at or by phone at (804) 754-1407 (Home) or (804) 347-7607 (cell) if you plan to attend.