FBYC will sponsor a celebration on the Saturday evening of Memorial Day Weekend at the Deltaville Maritime Museum (DMM) to inaugurate the recently-installed permanent exhibit at the Museum honoring our Club’s proud history in the community since 1939.
The reception will include beverages and heavy hors d’oeuvres to delight the palate. The event is open to all members upon reservation. Details will follow in communications to the membership later this spring.
FBYC would like to use this event to express its gratitude to the DMM for the prominence it has given our Club in their new facility. It is hoped for a significant turnout of members who will consider a generous donation to support the continued success of the Museum, which has partnered with us in the past to stage important sailing events such as the Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regattas and the 2010 Optimist Nationals.
As an extra attraction to our members, on the same evening the Museum is hosting Grovin’ in the Park, one of its popular series of musical performances which everyone should enjoy.
Members will have the option of arriving at the DMM by car or, better, by launch, skiff, or dinghy to its commodious docks just off the entrance to Jackson Creek. Be forewarned: the governing depth at the entrance to the cove on which the Museum is located is only about 3 feet, and overhead power lines with a 35-foot clearance threaten. Most sailboats are advised not to attempt entering by water.