- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The 2017 Ullman Sails Friday Night Summer Series Racing program will consist of up to 8 single day events. This 2017 Notice of Race will constitute the complete NOR.
- RULES: The Organizing Authority is Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Races will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. This series will allow sailing of “5 up” (total of 5) and no weight limit, all other J70 Class rules apply.
- ENTRIES: Entries will be encouraged to notify Fleet Captain (Matt Braun) in advance. Otherwise show up in the dry sail no later than 1700.
- SCHEDULE OF RACES: Every Friday from June 9-August 4 with the exception of July 7. The time of the first Warning Signal for the first race will be 1800, followed by up to 3 races.
- SAILING INSTRUCTIONS: 2017 Friday Night Summer Series Sailing Instructions are at https://www.fbyc.net/Events/2017/06.09.offshore/SIs or are available upon request or by contacting Matt Braun (email: matt.braun@thalhimer.com / phone: 804-640-3184).
- SKIPPERS’ MEETING: When held, a Skippers’ Meeting will be held in the Dry Sail Area at 1700. Every attempt will be made to communicate changes Via VHF channel 69
- RACING AREAS, MARKS, COURSES, & FINISH: The starting area will be as close to the mouth of Jackson Creek to allow a safe distance for boat traffic and to properly set up windward leg of at least ½ mile. The course to be sailed will be windward-leeward courses no longer than .75 miles in length, including a windward inflatable mark or government mark designated by the PRO and leeward mark/finish pin, the number of legs will be either posted on white marker board or signaled by VHF or hand signals by acting PRO. The finishing line will be between a yellow or orange flag on a Race Committee boat and the designated finishing mark.
- RECALLS: In the event of an individual recall the Race Committee may attempt to notify boats identified as OCS via hail on VHF-69.
- RACING AT NIGHT: Between sunset and sunrise all boats shall exhibit proper navigation lights.
- PROTESTS: If a boat violates RRS, the boat may exonerate herself by completing one 360 degree penalty turn as soon as possible; this is a change to RRS. A boat intending to protest another boat must so notify the Race Committee by hail or radio transmission immediately after finishing or retiring. All protests will be heard by skippers not involved in the protest and ruling will be made within 1 week of the end of the race.
- SCORING: Each skipper to keep own score
- RESULTS: Will not be officially posted
- AWARDS: Daily Awards will not be given out after each race.
- SOCIAL: A social will be held after each race. Location TBD.
- PRINCIPAL RACE OFFICER(PRO): The Principal Race officer may be a competitor on a participating J/70. The signal boat and or mark boat can be competing J/70 designated by the PRO. An independent PRO (Ullman Sales Rep) is optional, but every attempt will be made to recruit PRO on signal boat/mark boat to run races, if an independent Race Committee cannot be found one of the competitors will be designated to act as PRO. The PRO will be allowed to operate from their competing boat, subsequently all signals and race instructions will be done by VHF via Channel 69. Rabbit starts may be used in lieu of signal boat/mark boat.
- DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: Competitors participate in any race or regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 2013 – 2016, Rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority, Fishing Bay Yacht Club will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the race or regatta.
- RADIO AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: It is required that boats racing monitor VHF Channel 69.
- EQUIPMENT: All equipment and minimum standards required by U.S. Coast Guard, the RRS/US, J/70 Class.