FBYC is again offering our popular annual sailing course for anyone interested in a team sport that will challenge the most competitive and give a lifetime of enjoyment to anyone who loves outdoor sports and good fun.
The course consists of three classroom sessions and two optional on-the-water practice sessions in Deltaville (one hour east of Richmond) aboard racing sailboats. Classroom instruction is provided by FBYC racing skippers and crew with experience in local, national, and international racing, and is supplemented by demonstrations and hands-on practice on FBYC racing boats. All participants receive course handbooks that complement the classroom sessions and include FBYC's 2018 racing schedule.
The program will begin March 20, 2018 in the classroom in Richmond and carry through to on-the-water practice sessions in early April. Registering for the 1st Classroom Session enables you to register for all three sessions.
Beginners and intermediate sailors/crew. Open to non-club members as well as members.
Classroom sessions: Tuesdays 6:30 to 9:00 pm; March 20; March 27; April 3
Optional practice sessions in Deltaville: Saturdays 9:30am - 2:00pm April 7; April 14
Classroom sessions: Virginia Power Boat Association, 4051 Old Gun Road East, Midlothian, VA, 23113
Optional practice sessions: Fishing Bay Yacht Club,1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043
$75.00 (includes printed course materials, refreshments and last night social)