7/5 - This event has been cancelled. Unfortunately those organizing it had some personal commitments come up that we were unable to work around. We were looking forward to our first local snipe event and to see Snipes visit and we'll look to try this event again next year.
NOTICE A NOTICE OF RACE will be posted spring 2018.
DESCRIPTION This is a two-day event for Snipe sailboats featuring buoy racing on the Piankatank in the afternoon seabreeze.
REGISTRATION Advance registration is encouraged at www.fbyc.net.
LATE REGISTRATION & CHECK IN At 1100 on the downstairs porch of the main clubhouse.
SKIPPERS' MEETING At 1100 on the downstairs porch of the main clubhouse.
WARNING The warning signal for the first start will be at 1200 followed by subsequent races.
SOCIAL Snacks, refreshments provided both days following racing. A dinner will be provided for competitors and guests.
AWARDS Awards will be presented by the race chair for top 3 finishers.
MORE INFORMATION Event Chair Jessica Hardin jlh8fe@virginia.edu and Jon Deutsch jon-fbyc@jdeutsch.com.