Opening Cruisers' Party


Fri, Apr 25 2025



Event Managers

  • Event Chair: Stuart Gregory

We will start the 2025 season with an Opening Cruiser’s Dinner at the FBYC main clubhouse starting at 6:00 PM.  The following will be provided along with beer, wine, and water.


  • Seasonal Fresh Fish Blackened with a Grilled Pineapple Salsa
  • BBQ Brisket of Beef
  • Creamy Risotto served with Mushrooms, Asparagus, Tomatoes, and Parmesan Cheese 


  We ask you to bring something to complement the meal.  Please use Sign Up Genius to register.  When you do so, you will have the choice to register for:

  1. Appetizer
  2. Salad
  3. Desert
  4. Not bringing (this is ok)

Be mindful of what we might have too much or too little of.  Not every dish needs to feed the whole group!

Several cruises are already scheduled and we will have an opportunity to discuss these. There is plenty of room on the calendar for additional cruises to be planned. Please bring your ideas. 

Enjoy this popular season opener and catch up with new and existing cruising mates. New members interested in getting involved with FBYC cruising are welcome.

For further details contact Stuart Gregory at 804-928-4314 or 

Registration will close Friday April 18, 2024 - one week before the event.  Attendance is limited to 50.

Helpful hint: When you click the link below, scroll down the page until you come to a maroon horizontal bar that says "Available Slots".  Choose one of the 4 "Sign up" buttons on the right depending on if you are bringing something.  Next to what you are bringing is a numeric field.  This is for how many people are in your party.

Click here to sign up.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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