Women's Clinic


Sat, Jul 12 - 13, 2025


Event Managers

  • Event Chair: Caroline Patrick
  • Social Chair: Jessica Deutsch

July 12-13, 2025

DESCRIPTION  A two day sailing/ racing clinic for women of all degrees of experience and age, with a combination of classroom learning and on-the-water time. Open to members and non-members. 

Club-owned Flying Scot sailboats will be primarily used for the on-the-water portion. If you have another boat you would like to use/ bring, like your own Flying Scot or Melges 15, we welcome that, and please mention it in the comments when you sign up. 


The Event Chair will coordinate your spot on a boat. The clinic will have two class offerings. Choose your preferred class when you register. If you have your own boat, that is encouraged and let us know.

1) Sailing Basics (beginners): For the novice or someone with a bit of sailing knowledge but wants to review the foundations again. We cover basic sailing theory and gaining comfort with boat handling, approaching and leaving the dock, and various skills on the helm and as a crew member; not racing focused. You will have an instructor on your boat, as well as another lady student. We encourage all to have some time on the helm to get comfortable sailing! Instructor: TBD.

2) Racing Fundamentals class: For those familiar with racing or wanting to learn to race. We cover improving boat handling skills in racecourse settings, increasing “tiller time”, racing strategy and tactics. You can be a skipper or crew, depending on your comfort level. To be most comfortable in this class, it is assumed that you have had a few times steering a sailboat. (Don't have to be an expert!) Instructor: TBD.

EVENT CHAIR Caroline Patrick and Jess Deutsch are the co-Chairs for this event. 

ENTRY FEE $10 for club members – a great member perk! $175 fee for non-members if using a club-owned boat. $100 for non-members if bringing a boat to use.

REGISTRATION Advance registration for clinic is required  here. There are limited spots due to availability of boats. Save your spot today!

CHECK IN  9:00 student check-in    9:15-10:15 - chalk talk.     10:15-11:00 Rig up boats. 

11:00-12:30 On the Water training.   12:30 Return to dock and have lunch (BYO).    1:30-4:00 Chalk talk and continued instruction on the water, return to dock, and de-brief.    4:00- Spritzer Social!

Sunday:    9:00 meet at the main clubhouse.    9:00 -9:45 Chalk talk    9:45-10:15 Rig up boats.     11:00-4:00 On the water training (BYO Lunch on or off the water), Return to dock, de-brief.   4:00 - Quick snack and refreshment as ladies depart.

SOCIAL Snacks and refreshments will be served at the end of both days.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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