Stingray entries as of 10PM August 28

We look forward to seeing you all.
We look forward to seeing you all.
Case Whittemore, Bob Wardwell and Ron Buchanan traveled to North American Championships in August
From Rochester, the J/29 Fleet Fishing Bays Case Whittemore placed 2nd in the J/29 North Americans, Bob Wardwell finished 4th.
Top 5 finishers were 5th Bruce Lockwoods Tomahawk, 4th Bob Wardwells Killshot, 3rd John Lavins Dirty Harry, 2nd Case Whittemores Patriot and 1st John Espositos Hustler.
In the Lighting Fleet Ron Buchanan and Bob Wardwell traveled to North Cape, Michigan to sail the Lightning North Americans. 116 boats registered for the fierce competition. Bob Wardwell sneaked in to the top flight (North Americans) and Ron Buchanan qualified for the 2nd flight (Presidents Cup …