Posts for May 2007

Kathleen Noffsinger and Other Exhibitors Set for Art on Fishing Bay

Jere Dennison on

Arts of FB
What started as an informal invitation to Kathleen Noffsinger to show her work to the Wednesday night group at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville several years ago, has turned into a huge annual art show. It now features the best artists and craftsmen in the middle peninsula region and in conjunction with The Leukemia Cup Regatta is a benefit to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

On Friday, June 8, 2007 from 5:30 – 9:00 PM at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville, Kathleen and 25 other artists and artisans will offer their creations to the public. More than just an art show, music and refreshments highlight this increasingly popular charitable and social event …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Today is Memorial Day.   Thank you to those who did once and those who still do  "stand on the wall"  for us.
It was a clear struggle for folks heading to Urbanna, Saturday, via the Race to Urbanna (from Fishing Bay).  Somebody forgot to turn on the wind machine.  The race officials shortened the course, but even then it took some racers close to six hours to cover the 5.8 miles to the shortened finish line.  And, that was before they actually headed up Rapp River!  Racing on the Rappahannock on Sunday was abandoned, again because of lack of wind.  Saturday's RESULTS:  PHRF A: 1. Leroi Lissenden, Voodoo 2 …

Southside Sentinel News - Bridge Opening today - and Brockett Muir

Strother Scott on

Club News
The Southside Sentinel reports on May 24, that that the ribbon cutting for the Eltham Bridge was to occur last night, and that the new bridge will be open to traffic beginning today!

Secondly, Mary Buxton has an article about FBYC member Dr. Brockett Muir's voyage to Bermuda aboard his 29' cutter Trafalgar. I have posted the full article in the Publicity Pages at

Optimists for Sale

Eric Powers on

Junior Activities
The following Optis are availible for sale.

Please contact the owners if you are interested. In due course, we will try to get a Classified page going on the web site.

1 White Optimist Dinghy for Sale
Please Contact: Cindy Keene

1 Optimist Dinghy for Sale
Burke McCormick
office - 804.787.6849
home - 804.285.2622

1 Optimist Dinghy for Sale
Jeannie and Ken Alcott

1 Optimist Dinghy for Sale
Melanie H. Crittenden
611 Mayfair Ave.
Richmond, VA 23226

1 Optimist Dinghy for Sale
Contact: Any Weaver at


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Greg Fisher
When the Flying Scot North Americans come to Fishing Bay in June, the FBYC FS racing contingent will be ready.  Big Ernie (Quantum Sails) and Greg Fisher (North Sails)  have both given clinics to the local fleet.  Twenty Scots participated in the FBYC regular spring series. 
America's Cup Update:   Ken Saylor, southern Bay sailmaker (North Sails) and racer, was "on the scene" in Valencia immediately prior to the start of the Louis Vuitton Cup semifinals.  Kenny has lots of "tales to tell" about Valencia and the racing.  He commented on how narrow the AC boats' hulls are as compared to how wide the heads of the mains are.  Picture …

Artists Make Waves in Leukemia Cup Event

Jere Dennison on

Leukemia Cup
They are preparing to unfurl their canvases and display their crafts at Art on Fishing Bay the evening of June 8, 5:30-9:00 PM, at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville. Artists from far and wide, local and regional, will again participate in one of the most popular Leukemia Cup events supporting victims with blood cancers. And this being the 9th year of Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta, the crowds are expected to exceed last year’s record setting attendance.

A total of 26 artists will exhibit their creations for purchase or perusal. Each will donate one item to the Leukemia Cup Auction to be held later this summer at the Stingray Harbor Marina.

See all the pictures …

Wondering What to do After Rosegill?

George Burke on

Cruising News

Do you sometimes get the "after Rosegill Blues"? Does racing at RRYC or cruising home alone on Sunday leave you empty and unfulfilled? The Cruising Division has a cure for this, the After Rosegill Cruise to Yankee Point Yacht Club.

May 23 is the deadline for signing up for the Cruising Division's annual "after-Rosegill" event, this year a cruise from Rosegill to Yankee Point Yacht Club on Myers Creek just off the Corrotoman River. Slips will be limited so plan to anchor out. Bring beverages and hors d'oeuvre for cocktails at 6pm. Cruise chairmen Stella and Charlie Jones will supply dinner ( N.C. BBQ) at 7:15, assisted by FBYC member and YPYC Commodore Charles Lytton. Cruisers, racers …

The voyage has begun – Shallops at FBYC August 25-26

Bob Kates on

Shallop for invitation.jpg A crew of modern-day explorers, historians, naturalists and educators are endeavoring to retrace Captain John Smith's incredible 1608 expedition. Traveling in a 28-foot reproduction of Smith's shallop, and living much as Smith and his men did 400 years ago, the shallop and her crew will spend 121-days voyaging to the headwaters of almost every tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. At more than 20 points along the route, the shallop and her crew will stop for public exhibitions so that people from all around the region can learn about this important episode in the history of the Chesapeake. For more information, please go to the John Smith 400 website at or the Sultana website at www …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
VERSUS TV COVERAGE OF THE 32ND AMERICA'S CUP:  You should check your VERSUS channel this morning - 0830.  But, do not bet your ranch, and certainly not your boat, that the coverage of the Louis Vuitton Cup will be there - intergalactic steer wrestling, maybe.  That said, however, Cox Cable has published that LV Cup coverage will run TODAY, Monday (RACE 1),  Tuesday (RACE 2), Wednesday (Race 3), Friday (RACE 4) and Saturday (RACE 5).  The times for each day are 8:30am-11am; noon -2:30pm, and 4:30pm - 7:00pm    Or, if you are  internet savvy, go to the Versus website,   and see if you can muck around enough to get their internet  …

Junior Sailing Challenge nets $9,952 at FBYC on Saturday

Sue Willis on

Leukemia Cup
Just a quick recap of the events this weekend!  We had good weather on Saturday and a great turnout for both the Kayak and Jr. Challenge.
We had 20 people for the tour which is a great turnout! With registration and fundraising money the event brought in a total of $2,536! The water was very calm and great for kayaking and the group even saw a bald eagle!
Jr. Challenge:
We had 5 teams: Christchurch School, Norfolk Collegiate, Poquoson H.S., Smithfield H.S., and St. Christopher's.  Christchurch was the winner of the Top Fundraising Award and Norfolk Collegiate won the sailing.  In all this event brought in $4,952.00 in …

Times Dispatch Article - Sailing floats their boat

Strother Scott on

Club News

The wind shifted after he came to Virginia. Living in Martinsville gave him access to Smith Mountain Lake, and in 1974, he bought his first boat, a Laser dinghy.

His family was hooked, especially the two children.

"They wouldn't let us go anywhere else on …

The greatest show on earth?

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing

An item from last night's Suttlebutt by Tucker Thompson follows. We see his writing from time to time in Spin Sheet and some of us will remember him talking twice at the 2002 Winter Program when Alain Vincey chaired this activity. We all have different passions, whether it be watching Royalty at the State Capital, NASCAR, or in the case of one of my old friends and past member, John Adams, living to beat Tim Blackwood just one more time. Whatever turns you on, you have to get a warm and fuzzy from reading Tucker's article. If you are not into warm and fuzzies stop reading right here.

SCUTTLEBUTT 2342 ˆ May 11, 2007 (

Scuttlebutt is …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
MOTHER'S DAY is Sunday, May 13 - Invite her to lunch, love her a bunch, and then..., take her sailing!
Brad Davis, Blade Runner, took 1st  in the 6th race of the Fishing Bay Yacht Club Spring Series on Saturday, but Rob Whittet, Wavelength, kept his grip on 1st overall in the PHRF A fleet.  Allan Heyward stayed way out in front in the PHRF B/C fleet by driving La Maga to another first, ahead of  David Hinckle's 2nd place Elancer.   This FBYC series finishes up this coming Saturday, May 12.  PRO - Brooks Zerkel
SBRW-Black Seal Cup:  Time is drawing near for organizers to make fleet assignments, determine whether there will be sub-splits …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters