2008 Flying Scot NAC
About 150 people who have registered to use the web site have set up an email forward account with a fbyc.net email address as part of getting a user account. For them, mail which is sent to their email @fbyc.net is forwarded to their real email address. The forwarded email includes both real email and spam although most of it is probably spam. Comcast, Gmail and other services receiving this forwarded email from fbyc.net see such a high percentage of spam that they treat all email from fbyc.net as junk. This includes email from our mailing lists …
Attached is the event logo design for event apparel available on line and on site, including white short sleeve cotton tee shirts, short sleeve micro fiber shirts, and long sleeve micro fiber shirts. Please order early on line to facilitate inventory …
Sailing instruction still available!
The summer is flying by . . . junior week is now a distant memory . . . but those club boats are so inviting! Your opportunities to take advantage of coaching at the club are not gone!
Our next class is Beginning Optis (parents, you can do it too!), from July 28-31. For $150 (members), you can have 6 hours of instruction for 4 days with our own Hart Moore, and then be really ready to use those boats. What a bargain!
Intermediates (or beginning Lasers) have one more group option this summer, from August 12-15. Get a couple of your friends to take the class with you, and then practice for the fall regattas!
You also can sign up for …
The July/August issue of R-Home magazine features FBYC and Stove Point. The article entitled "Sail Away - A tiny peninsula in the Bay with a sailing tradition offers a slice of Americana and innocence" by managing editor Carrie Nieman Culpepper offers eight pages of text and 20 photographs. Included are racing photographs taken during one of our O-D Spring Series events as well as pictures of club grounds, the clubhouse interior, and cottages owned by FBYC club members. Run, don't walk, to the nearest bookstore to get a copy...it is well worth the price of purchase.