2009 Lights on the Creek Christmas Boat Parade in Irvington
Thursday October 22, 2009 01:55PM
onDear FBYC Adult Members:
I have been asked by the Tides Inn and RRYC Commodore to forward this opportunity to you, which is self explanatory if you review the message and entry form, and looks like fun for one or more Fishing Bay Boats, either sail or power.
We are trying to arrange to display this Trophy at our Closing Dinner on November 7 a a means of promoting competition on Carters Creek on December 4 and 5. As an intra-club gesture, it would be nice if a boat represented FBYC in the parade.
Noel Clinard Commodore 2009
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Irvingtons Lights on the Creek Christmas boat parade, hosted by the Tides Inn, the Rappahannock River Yacht Club, and the Irvington Village Improvement Association. The Lights on the Creek (LOC) committee is very excited about the events planned in and around Irvington on Friday, December 4th , as well as the anticipation of a fabulous boat parade to be held at 6:00 on Saturday, December 5th.
In addition to maintaining the traditions of the past 10 years, this year we will be starting a new tradition which we hope will foster some friendly and positive competition between our neighboring yacht clubs and entice more entries for the parade. The more boats that are decorated and entered in the parade the better for those participating, as well as those watching from docks, from boats gathered in Carter Creek, and from the beaches of the Tides Inn, sipping cider next to a bonfire. It is our hope that you will share this information with your membership and encourage their participation to "bring the trophy home".
I am attaching a picture of Gordon Slatford, General Manager of the Tides Inn, and Frances Westbrook, chairman of this years LOC committee, holding the trophy we have established for the Best Yacht Club Entry, and am including a separate picture of the trophy within this email. The owners name, the boat name, the yacht club designation and the date will be affixed on the side of the trophy to remain through the years, and the trophy will reside at the winning yacht club until next years event.

The Tides Inn has graciously allowed the boat entries to stay at the Tides Lodge docks 1-2 weeks prior to the event and for a few weeks afterward to allow boats to arrive and depart unencumbered with lights or other decorations. You may confirm your docking arrangements with Stormy Pearson, the Tides Inn Marina Director, at 804-438-4418. His email is spearson@TidesInn.com.
I am attaching both pages of the entry form to print and complete if any members of your yacht club are interested.
Thank you very much for your consideration. Feel free to contact me if I can be of further help.
Robert S. Westbrook, DDS
LOC Committee member
O: 804-438-1000
H: 804-438-6349