2016 FBYC Annual Award Winners

Lisa Fleck on Tuesday November 15, 2016 01:43PM

Fishing Bay Yacht Club held its Annual Meeting and Awards Party on Saturday at the Commonwealth Club in Richmond, VA. The following is a list of all of the 2016 recipients of the club's perpetual trophies.

HENRY E. HUTCHESON, JR. MEMORIAL TROPHY – awarded to the Optimist skipper with the highest standing in Sanctioned Regattas and intra-club races. Guthrie Braun

JUNIOR COMPETITION TROPHY – awarded to the Junior skipper (or skippers) who has most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs or associations during the Regular Racing Season. Tomas Sitzmann

L. WOOD BEDELL TROPHY – awarded to the FBYC sailor under the age of 14 who is the highest finisher in FBYC races during the Regular Racing Season. Guthrie Braun

YOUNG SALT TROPHYawarded to the Junior FBYC Optimist sailor having the highest overall standing in club Junior regattas. Guthrie Braun

ROBERTS BOWL – awarded to the Junior sailor who has shown the most interest in sailing as evidenced by enthusiasm, improvement in sailing techniques, awareness of the rules of water safety and cooperation with the members of the Junior program. Jordon Bendura & Ralph Levy

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REID A. DUNN TROPHY – awarded to the member of the Junior Program between the ages of 14 and 18 who has demonstrated outstanding sailing abilities by placing highest in FBYC races during the Regular Racing Season. Garrett Levy

CAROLINE COLLINS TROPHY – awarded to the young lady having the highest standing in the FBYC Junior Regattas. Baylor Goldwaithe

UP AND COMING TROPHY – awarded to an Optimist sailor under 15 years of age who has shown great promise on and around the racecourse. Bo Angus & John Thomas Mason

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BECCA BOAT TROPHY – awarded to the FBYC junior who most exemplifies Becca’s devotion to FBYC (Rebecca Clary Harris, a former FBYC junior) – Amanda Almany

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PATRICK A GIBSON MEMORIAL TROPHYawarded to the one design class showing the highest level of participation in club Sanctioned races during the sailing season based on the number of boats enrolled in the class and the total number of starters in club Sanctioned races. J/70 Fleet - Blake Kimbrough

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BLANTON BOWL – awarded to the Laser skipper with the highest standing in Sanctioned Regattas and intra-club races. Charlie Brewer

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WAYLAND W. RENNIE CRUISING AWARD – awarded to a FBYC member in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Cruising Division. Tony Sakowski

COMPETITION TROPHY – awarded to the skipper of a FBYC enrolled yacht who has most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs during the past year. Gannon Troutman

OFFSHORE DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY – awarded to the FBYC skipper of the outstanding Offshore Division enrolled yacht as determined by an objective standard applied over the Regular Racing Season. Mad Hatter - Robert J. & Lisa Fleck

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ALLEN B. FINE TROPHY – awarded to the outstanding crewman of a FBYC yacht. Lisa Fleck

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SPORTSMANSHIP TROPHY – awarded to the Offshore Division skipper who displays the best sportsmanship in the Regular Racing Season. Noel Chinard

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CLINARD CUP – FBYC's news award is the Clinard Cup. This award was donated byformer Commodore Noel Clinard, FBYC's first J/70 Owner and the founder and first Fleet Captain of J/70 Fleet 5. It is awarded to an FBYC J70 yacht for both participation and performance in FBYC events and J/70 Class travel events. E.L.E. Matt Braun Family and its Loyal Crew

THE HUBARD TROPHY – awarded to the outstanding woman sailor of FBYC. Julie Ann Wash

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ANNUAL RACE COMMITTEE TROPHY – awarded to the FBYC member who has made the greatest contribution to race committee work and race management. Jim Raper

FISHING BAY CHALLENGE BOWL  (Commodore designates each year) – awarded to the FBYC member/skipper who receives the best overall score for the season in the Offshore Division PHRF Non-Spin Fleet  – Sleigh Ride and Jon Kalinowski

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COMMODORES' BOWL – awarded on an alternating year basis to the outstanding Offshore or One Design skipper in FBYC sponsored sailing events for the year based on performance and participation. Charlie Brewer

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MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY BOWL – awarded for outstanding contributions to FBYC.  Jere Dennison

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2016 One Design & Offshore PERPETUAL TROPHIES

(Awarded at Offshore Closing Day Regatta)


BAKER BOWL – awarded to the Flying Scot skipper with the highest standing in Sanctioned Regattas and intra-club races. John Wake

NOTT MEMORIAL TROPHY – awarded to the skipper of the Flying Scot finishing the greatest number of Sanctioned and Non-Sanctioned FBYC sponsored Flying Scot events during the calendar year. John Wake

PERFORMANCE TROPHY – awarded to the FBYC enrolled yacht finishing the greatest number of club-sponsored PHRF races. Schiehallion - Brad Miller

WINDWARD START TROPHY – awarded to the FBYC enrolled PHRF-B yacht with the best score in the Offshore Fall Series. GOIN - Dennis Hannick

BARBER TROPHY – awarded to the PHRF-C skipper who beat the most competitors during the Regular Racing Season.   Cheeky Monkey - Julie Ann and Paul Wash

HICKS TROPHY – awarded to the winner of the FBYC’s One Design Long Distance Race. Guthrie Braun



(Awarded at Event)

JOHN R. HAWKSWORTH MEMORIAL TROPHY – awarded to the skipper of the one design class in the club’s Annual One Design Regatta with a minimum average number of five starters per race and with the lowest score as calculated by the formula detailed in the Sailing Instructions for the event. Guthrie Braun

BRENTON S. HALSEY, JR. MEMORIAL TROPHY – awarded to the winner of the Stingray Point Regatta. Event cancelled

CHESAPEAKE LASER MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY – awarded to the winner of a series of races in Lasers sailed by persons 35 years of age or older. Gavin O’Hare Eastport YC

POTTS SOUTHERN BAY CHALLENGE CUP – awarded to the team of boats having the lowest total points during the Stingray Point Regatta. Event cancelled


Tags: commodoresball

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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