Lin Mccarthy on Monday June 20, 2005 03:38PM

Fishing Bay Yacht Club and Hampton Yacht Club are the first southern Bay clubs to qualify to challenge for the BATTLE OF THE CHESAPEAKE TROPHY at Screwpile 2005.  In order to be eligible to wrest the coveted trophy from last year's winner, Annapolis YC, a club must have at least 5 boats entered in the Screwpile Light House Challenge.  In addition to HYC (7 entries) and FBYC (6 entries), there are four more southern Bay clubs with completed entries; they are: CCV (1); DYC (2); OBSA (1); BBSA (1).  The more boats racing, the better your club's chances of bringing back the BOC Trophy.  Get you buddies together. Round 'em up and head 'em out for Screwpile and the BOC!
COCK ISLAND RACE #18 cometh this weekend - June 24-25!  You should be entered by now, but...  for info contact: Portsmouth Community Relations and Services at (757) 393-8481.  And, dig out that Parrothead shirt!  The schooner Virginia will be dockside at Cock Island.  If you have not prowled her decks yet, this will be a good time!
Sea Star, Bad Habit, Defiant, Miss Anne Thrope, and Virginia H post fleet wins in HYC Annual Regatta:  The 21 boat fleet had to delay for half-an-hour for enough wind to start, but got going as a light breeze appeared and built to about 8 knots while the race was underway.  RESULTS:  PHRF A (4 boats) 1.Sea Star, David Eberwine; 2.Feather, Phil Briggs.  PHRF B (5 boats): 1.Bad Habit, Bob Archer; 2.White, Dave McConaughy; 3.Strega, Neal Garrett.  PHRF C: (2 boats) 1.Miss Anne Thrope, Richard Payne.  J24 (4 boats) 1.Defiant, Bill Derr; 2.Cavitation, Chris Duer.  PHRF Non-Spin; (6 boats) 1.Virginia H, Andy Armstrong; 2.Checks in the Mail, Jim Williams; 3.The Hunter, Justin Morris.  Race Chairmen: Kathy and Malcolm Brady; Official Timer and Scorer: Dick Boykin.
SUMMER SOLSTICE  2:46 A.M. (EDT)  - Tuesday, June 21.  It's official!  Just in case you had not noticed the sunny and warm conditions!  Oh, and school's out!  Lots of young crewbies just came available - take a youngster racing.  Pass your sport on!
Congratulations are in order for southern Bay homies Kenny Saylor and Bryce Barritt.  They sailed in the Annapolis to Newport Race aboard Lawrence Bulman's Yellow Jacket - Kenny as tactician and Bryce on the coffee grinders.  Yellow Jacket finished 2nd in the IRC I  fleet (10 boats).  Dan Trammell, who makes his home in Springfield, Virginia, sailed as OIC (Officer in Charge) on the 5th place finisher in IRC I, the US Naval Academy's Hellcat.    John Dodge, whose roots are in the southern Bay, was on Jim Muldoon's Donnybrook (3rd in IRC I).  Mike Nestor's Glory Days finished 6th in the PHRF II fleet (11 starters).
Block Island Race Week (July 19-25) started today.  If you are not there, think (now) about going next year. Expand your horizons!
Kick Off Independence Day Weekend by racing in the DINK VAIL REGATTA (Saturday, July 2) - hosted by Norfolk Yacht & CC.  CBYRA sanctioned regatta (#412).  All PHRF classes plus a non-sanctioned cruising class.  Racing around drop marks in Hampton Roads harbor.  Awards and great post-race buffet dinner / awards / party at NY&CC!  Entry deadline is next week, Wednesday, July 29.  For info contact Event Chairman J.D. Scott ((757) 572-6830, or Principal Race Officer John McCarthy (757) 850-4225.  To have your boat, aka racing machine,  at NYCC, Friday or Saturday, contact NYCC dockmaster, Dino, at (757) 286-1752, to make arrangements. 
According to York River Yacht Club's Steve Bowen (Dream On, S2), there are now 3 Nightwind 35's on the York.  There is, of course, THE Nightwind 35, Smoke, raced by Dan Smoker.   Dave Georgianna's Bay Key, newly crowned winner of the 2005 York River Cup, is terrorizing the non-spinny fleet on the York.  The 3rd Nightwind belongs to Dave Crossett.  Dave is not racing his....  yet!
COMING UP THIS WEEKEND:  June 25-26, 2005
18th Annual Cock Island Race:  Fri. - Sat, June 24-25; (757) 393-8481
Broad Bay Sailing Association Regatta (small boats):  Sat., June 25  J. Pattenaude  757-543-3029
Wolcott Memorial (rescheduled):  Sun., June 26   E. Wolcott   wolcott@wolriv.com
Marty Steffens, former racer and long time supporter of the racing scene on the Chesapeake, has put his beautiful Bristol 38.8, Tidewater, on the market. Marty says he is thinking of going to a smaller, daysailer-racer boat that will be good for knockin' about the creek and the beer-can racing circuit. 
Southern Bay crewbies on the "far side of the pond" - Giuseppe Scarfi, who raced on Bill Barnes' "old" Trouble, is doing great on the race circuit at home in Genoa.  From Bill comes word that Giuseppe  raced in the Genoa to Corsica Regatta and won both legs in his 38 foot Beneteau. 
Could it be...?  There's a Soverel 26 on the used boat market.  Word is it was recently advertised in the classified section of the Virginian Pilot.  There are not many Soverel 26s around.  Could this be the Chesapeake Bay' s very own Orange Blossom Special, aka OBS?  The very same OBS that Sledd Shelhorse and crew tore up the southern Bay in, winning championship upon championship back in the early 1980s?
The Christopher Newport University Sailing Team has high hopes for next Fall.  They will return every member of the team except one, Paula Davis. Head coach Dan Winter's words, when asked by an underclassman who would replace Davis as team captain and more, allowed as how "No one [could replace Davis]... it will take three."  She has been the heart and soul of CNU Sailing .
CBYRA 2005 Red Book , The Directory of Junior Events,  is on the street.  If you are involved as a racer or as the "adult who belongs to a young racer", you need this publication.  Randy Stokes is the southern Bay junior program coordinator.  Contact him at (757) 423-5131.  Get CBYRA registered, get your Red Book, and get racing!
JULY SOUTHERN BAY RACING CALENDAR:  All caps means CBYRA sanctioned ("big boat") regatta.
DINK VAIL MEMORIAL REGATTA                           July 2 (Saturday) ,  J.D.Scott (757) 572-6830
                   INDEPENDENCE  DAY   Holiday  Monday - July 4th !!!
SOUTHERN BAY   LEUKEMIA CUP                        July 9 (Saturday),  Judy Buis (804) 358-9475
Bay Open Championships and Jr Olympic Festival    July 9-10,  FBYC   www.fbyc.net
Little Bay Challenge [Non-Spin (1 hs) only]               July 16 (Sat),  Scott Almond ((757) 471-2663)
SCREWPILE   LIGHTHOUSE  CHALLENGE            July 17-19,  L.G. Raley (301) 862-3100
CAPE CHARLES CUP                                              July 23-24,  Bill Barnes (757) 313-7500
USODA  National Championship Regatta                July 24-29 ,  www.norfolkyacht.com
Johnston Memorial Regatta                                      July 30 , Jerry Pattenaude (757) 543-3029
CCV NOT SMITH POINT                                          July 31 ,  John McCarthy (757) 850-4225
Racers from New York to Florida and everywhere in the Chesapeake Bay are already entered in the SCREWPILE LIGHTHOUSE CHALLENGE 2005 (July 17, 18, 19).  As of last week, 95+ had their paperwork in and complete.  Remember, to beat the $50 late fee, you must have your entry in no later than Wednesday, June 29th.  For info call L.G. Raley at (301) 862-3100. 
Dinghy racers - take note:  The Broad Bay Sailing Association's  Richard B. Johnston Memorial Regatta, set for July 30th, has changed the venue for this year to Broad Bay (Virginia Beach).  For specifics, contact Jerry Pattenaude at (757) 543-3029.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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