Lin Mccarthy on Monday January 9, 2006 03:29PM

Well known sailor and author (22 books), John Rousmaniere, will be in Richmond on February 10, at the Sun Trust Auditorium (downtown).  His presentation on "Great Yachts, Great Sailors, and Great Races" is sponsored by Fishing Bay Yacht Club.  For info contact Cam Hoggan at (804) 285-6443.  Cost is $20 and open to all.
Southern Bay Racing News You Can Use Racing Rules Seminar  -  January 28, 2006,  Saturday, 0900 - 1500, at Hampton Yacht Club.  Fee of $20 defers cost of materials, refreshments, and LUNCH.  Seminar presented by John McCarthy.  For info or to register,  contact  John or Lin McCarthy at (757) 850-4225.   Pre-registration is strongly advised.  To guarantee yourself a prime seat, register and pay your fee now.
US SAILING Basic Race Management Course - February 18 - 19, 2006 - two half-day sessions (0900-1300), at Hampton Yacht Club in Hampton, Virginia.  Here's an opportunity to complete race officer certification, meet requirements for certification renewal, gain useful information, and  learn to manage races the US SAILING way.  This course is designed for those with some race management experience as well as newcomers.  It meets the course requirement for certification as a US SAILING Club Race Officer.  The certification test will be given at the conclusion of the course;  taking this test is optional for any participant.  Presented by John McCarthy and co-instructor Glenn Giles. For detailed information and/or to register, you may go to  www.USSAILING.org/racemgt/Seminars   or call John or Lin McCarthy at (757) 850-4225.  Register now to guarantee your seat and to receive the pre-seminar information package.
SBRNYCU  Rules Quiz:  A boat is luffing head to wind before the starting signal.  Which tack is it on?  A boat approaches on STAR tack.  Who has the right of way?   (See solution later in this issue. )
KEY WEST RACE WEEK is just around the corner - Word is Frank Silver and Chuck Monsees, sailing out of North Carolina, will team up to sail Frank's B25, Phantom.  Lloyd Griffin's Cash Flow, Hadley 40, sailing out of Elizabeth City, will be at KWRW with a composite crew that includes Ken Saylor (North Sails Hampton), Brendan Drinkwater (a regular on Sledd Shelhorse's Meridian), and several members of the Movin' On team, including skipper Mike Austin.  The migration for most begins this coming Friday - racing starts Monday, January 16 and goes through Friday, Jan 20.
CNU TAKES 3RD IN 2005 NOKIA SUGAR BOWL:  The Christopher Newport University Sailing Team took 3rd place in the Nokia Sugar Bowl Regatta.  Assistant coach Jim White took a team of  Mark Newman (NY),  Megan Murray (FL),  Will McCabe (Winchester),  Kate McClintock (Midlothian),  Matt Lythgoe (Montclaire), and  Liz Hund (Norfolk) to Lake Lanier in Atlanta.  The Nokia is usually held in New Orleans, but Hurricane Katrina made relocation necessary.    Navy won the regatta and Ohio was second.   Finishing in the money, CNU beat Michigan State, Notre Dame, Georgia Tech, Florida, and Georgia.  Great job and congrats to the collegiate racers from the southern Bay!
Mini Race Boats:  Currently there is a keen interest in the high performance mini designs (around 21 feet).  These boats, referred to in a group as mini designs,  are popular for double or single handing in bluewater races.  It all started with the 1977 Mini-Transat Race from Plymouth, England to Antigua, BVI, with a stop in the Azores along the way.   Now there are southern Bay connections in the Mini world.  Dudley Dix, considered one of the best around to supply plans and kits for those who want to build their own, is located in Virginia Beach.  And, a mighty mini-looking, bright yellow hull,  Rafiki, owned and sailed by Jan Brandt, is often seen in Hampton Roads waters, sometimes racing in casual races or just sailing around.  Try to catch Jan to confirm with him exactly what Rafiki  is - catching him is the hard part.
If you are making arrangements for you and/or your crew for SCREWPILE 2006 in July and you want to check on accommodations at the Holiday Inn Solomon's, it's a good idea to mention that you are coming for the Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge Regatta and ask to speak to Melissa Bless.  There are rooms set aside for SCREWPILE participants to reserve at the HI, which is the site this year of the regatta activities, parties, etc.
Mind Those "P"s and "Q"s... and the rest of the racer's alphabet soup too!  This is the best time to get your racing paperwork done.  The main organization memberships you need to renew or join are:  PHRF (Performance Handicap Racing Class) of the Chesapeake - the folks who assign PHRF valid ratings;  CBYRA (Chesapeake Yacht Racing Association) - the umbrella under which racing Bay-wide is covered, organized, and administered;  CCV (Cruising Club of Virginia) - season long racing  for coveted southern Bay CCV High Point Awards;  US SAILING - our national organization that administers all levels and variety of championships and programs for sailboat racing; and, of course, you own YC (Yacht Club) or  SA (Sailing Association) - the grass roots of it all.  Those who want to go the COD (Cruising One-Design) or OD (One-Design) route too, will need to join or renew with their class associations.  NOTE:  PHRF Class racers who wish to be scored for CBYRA high point awards, must be current members of CBYRA.  Do it now - it's like being rolled to windward by a bigger, faster boat - it only hurts for a little while! 
Hot info from SCREWPILE 2006:  Officials plan to add a third circle to the race venue.  More room for more like boats to race in their own specific area.
The 2006 Schedule for the Southern Bay is now in the hands of yacht clubs and sailing associations representatives.  Time to design your plan! 
CBYRA Leadership for 2006:  The 2006 Executive Board of CBYRA was announced at the annual meeting:  President - Angelo Buscemi;  Executive Vice-President - Gilbert Renaut;  Treasurer - Dick Emmett;  Secretary - Pat Teeling;  Vice-President for Region 4 (Southern Bay/Virginia) - Tom Roberts; Handicap (PHRF, MORC, etc.) Division Chair - Jerry Smernoff; One Design Division Chair - Ian Burman;  Junior Division Chair - Dave McClatchy;  US Sailing Delegate - Joe Krolak.  
If you're trying to figure how to keep your tootsies warm right now, think about this - The Annapolis to Bermuda  Grog and Gruel Bermuda Ocean Race will begin on June 9, 2006.  Check out the website at www.bermudaoceanrace.com   and immerse yourself in warm sailing waters - virtually.
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK, June 2-3-4, 2006, planning is well underway.  Look for the NOR and other info, to be posted at the website before the end of this month.  Check out www.blacksealcup.com 
Sailing Instructors for Junior Programs:  Now is the time to approach local yacht clubs regarding summer job opportunities in junior sailing programs.  Don't wait until final spring exams are over - don't  miss out on a really neat employment opportunity!
Rules Quiz Solution:  The Morgan tug bearing down on the race course has the right of way and...   For all  the answers, sign up for the January 28th  SBRNYCU Racing Rules Seminar.  (Call 7575-850-4225)
MURPHY'S LAW:  It's true, being rolled to windward by a bigger, faster boat "only hurts for a little while'".  The same can be said for being rolled by a bigger,  faster bulldog.  It all happened at a post-race party; a careless growl started it. However,  the Murphster ultimately gained a soulmate by introducing Spike to the rewards of racers'  brew!   /S/  Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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