Monday May 21, 2007 06:02PM
When the Flying Scot North Americans come to
Fishing Bay in June, the FBYC FS racing contingent will be ready. Big
Ernie (Quantum Sails) and Greg Fisher (North Sails) have both given
clinics to the local fleet. Twenty Scots participated in the FBYC regular
spring series.
America's Cup Update: Ken
Saylor, southern Bay sailmaker (North Sails) and racer, was "on the
scene" in Valencia immediately prior to the start of the Louis Vuitton Cup
semifinals. Kenny has lots of "tales to tell" about Valencia and the
racing. He commented on how narrow the AC boats' hulls are as compared to
how wide the heads of the mains are. Picture this - the head of the
square-headed main extends beyond the beam of the boat. Meanwhile,
over the weekend, the BMW Oracle boat (Larry Ellison, Chris Dickson, et
al) melted down under Prada-Luna Rossa pressure and was
eliminated in the LVC semifinals. So, on June 1, the challenger
finals begin, with Luna Rossa taking on either Emirates Team New
Zealand or Desafio Espanol (LR leads this series 4 to 2,
the first boat to have 5 wins moves on).
Only 9 days 'til check-in at SOUTHERN
BAY RACE WEEK ! Race for the Black Seal Cup. Check-in and
skippers meeting - Thursday, May 31. Racing Friday - Saturday - Sunday,
June 1-3. Entry form available at event website www.blacksealcup.com
For info contact event chairman Leigh Morgan Chapman (757) 726-9649.
Time is short. Get your entry forms and fees in - mail to Morgan
Johnson at 121 Hanover Avenue, Hampton, VA
23661. Avoid the late fee ($50) by entering
NLT THIS FRIDAY, May 25. Remember - 6 great races - 4
great parties!
fleet winners. On Saturday, 42 boats struck out in a perfect
breeze racing for the Cape Henry Cup, sponsored by Broad Bay Sailing
Association. PHRF A fleet sailed a 27.40 nm course and all other fleets
sailed 20.30 nm. The first boat to finish crossed the line in under 4
hours and the last in over 9 hours. Most racers finished in
mid-afternoon. So, the first race of the BBSA administered Chesapeake Bay
Distance Racing Series is in the books. Next up in the CBDRS is CCV's Not
Smith Point on July 29. Cape Henry Cup RESULTS: PHRF
A: 1.Sledd Shelhorse, Meridian 2, Farr 36;
2.Christian Schaumloffel, Mirage, Hobie 33;
3.Ed Whitmore, Ticket To Ride, Swan.
PHRF B: 1.Bob Beck, Graceful, Gran Soliel 39;
2.Graham Field, Independence, Islander 36;
3.Dave Nichol, Pelican, Cal 33-2. PHRF
C: 1.Dave Bettis, Boo Nasty, Ranger 33;
2.Martin Casey, Bow Movement, Catalina 27;
3.Carey Hardesty, Lona, S2 7.9; PHRF
Non-SPIN: 1.Harry Tenney, Margarita, Roberts 43;
2.Frank Stewart, Resurgence, Beneteau
405; 3.Tom Peddy, Impulse, Catalina
34. Cruising: 1.Jim Lant,
2.Leland Simmons, Cygnet.
PRO: Scott Almond.
The famous BBSA Pot Luck Supper - Cape Henry Cup Awards
Presentation will be tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22 at the ODU Sailing
Center. For info, contact Scott Almond at (757)
Here's the NOAA/NOS PORTS number -
1-866-247-6787 - it's a free call and you can get all kinds of up
to date info for southern (and northern) Bay locations, i.e. metrological
info, tides, wind speed, water temp, etc.
On May 14 at approximately 0330, Schooner
Heron went down in the Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal after a head-on collision with a barge and tug. Heron,
her owner, Robert Pulsch, and crew are well know to
southern Bay sailors through her participation in the annual Great
Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race. According to news accounts the schooner went
down instantly, smashed by the barge, and it is described as a "miracle" that
all on board, Robert, 73, and his two adult daughters, were saved.
Pulsch completed restoration of Heron in
2002. Heron was a 1911 Crowninshield
schooner. At the time of the accident she was on her way from her
winter quarters in Maryland to her home port in Atlantic Highlands.
MERRIMAC MEMORIAL REGATTA - Saturday, May 26 - hosted
by Portsmouth Boat Club. $10 entry fee which includes two lunch
tickets. Skippers Meeting at 0900 on race day. Racing is on the
Western Branch of the Elizabeth River and the Start/Finish Line is just off
Portsmouth City Park. Post-race festivities ($5 donation per person)
include holiday picnic fare in the adjacent picnic area. PBC says they
have limited camping space available for out-of-town racers at their clubhouse
(contact Fred Bilskis at 757-484-9654 to make ressies). Eligible classes
include all Portsmouth rated boats 22 feet or smaller. This event has
become a great start-of-the-summer holiday event. For info contact Fred
Bilskis at (757) 484-9654 or Rodney Paice at (757) 971-0202.
BBSA Little Bay Small Boats open Tuesday Night racing
in Willoughby Bay (aka Little Bay) one week from tomorrow
on Tuesday, May 29. For info contact Race Coordinator Emory Nemeth
(757) 549-1788, or Jerry Pattenaude (757) 543-3029.
A whole bunch of collegiate women sailors will
be in Norfolk this week - Old Dominion University is hosting
the ICSA Women's Dinghy National Championship,
May 23 - May 25, Wednesday - Friday. There are 18 teams
entered, and of special interest to southern Bay racers, along with host ODU,
will be St. Mary's College, Georgetown University, USNA, and College of
Charleston. Racing will begin at noon on Wednesday, and at 0945 on
Thursday and Friday. The regatta will be sailed out of
the ODU Sailing Center - Norfolk campus waterfront - sailing area will be
located on the Elizabeth River. This is one of those "spectator
boat" opportunities that can be really fun. Drag out the runabout, crank
up the engine on the sailboat, or find the kayak paddle and get out there.
This is really good racing and great fun to watch.
Jun 1 - 3
Fri-Sun SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK for the Black Seal
Fri start
of the Annapolis to Newport
Sat Harborfest
Hometowne Regatta (PBC)
Sat June Long
Distance Race (FBYC)
Jun 16
Sat Hampton Roads
Hospice Regatta (HYC)
Jun 16
Sat York River
Cup (YRYC)
Jun 16
Sat Singlehand
Race (YPYC)
22-23 Fri-Sat Cock Island Race
(PBC-City of Portsmouth)
Jun 24-27 Sun-Wed Flying Scot North
American Championship (FBYC)
Jun 24
Sun Women's Race
Jun 30
Sat Executive
Cup (Christopher Newport Sailing
Jun 30
Sat Moonlight
Regatta (FBYC)
6-8 Fri-Sun
Annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta
The Southern Bay Brigade is forming for SCREWPILE
2007. So far, 10 crew and skippers will be heading north to
race in the annual Bay-wide showdown regatta. Here's who from the southern
Bay is signed in so far: Jake and Pat Brodersen,
Midnight Mistress (Hampton); Brad Miller,
Schiehallion (Fishing Bay); Sledd Shelhorse,
Meridian 2 (Hampton); Bumps and David Eberwine,
Sea Star(Hampton); Lissenden/Krush/Birch, Voodoo
2 (Fishing Bay); Dennis Hannick, Radio Flyer
(Dalhgren); David Clark, Corryvreckean (Fishing Bay);
Brad Davis, Blade Runner (Fishing Bay); Lloyd
Griffin, Cash Flow (Outer Banks); Greg
Cutter, Gremlyn (Hampton). Screwpile Lighthouse
Challenge, July 22, 23, 24. www.screwpile.net or www.splc.us
MURPHY'S LAW: Two of my
favorite regattas are Southern Bay Race Week and Screwpile. I
have already reserved my spot under the beer truck at SBRW. As far as
Screwpile, I am procuring a 50 foot tether to reach from my pool float to the
beverage tank along which can be secured an appropriate sized tube to
serve as a straw. Oh... where are my shades?
/S/ Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us