Tuesday May 29, 2007 03:36PM
onToday is Memorial Day.
Thank you to those who did once and those who still do "stand
on the wall" for us.

It was a clear struggle for folks heading to Urbanna,
Saturday, via the Race to Urbanna (from Fishing Bay). Somebody forgot to
turn on the wind machine. The race officials shortened the course, but
even then it took some racers close to six hours to cover the 5.8 miles to the
shortened finish line. And, that was before they actually headed up Rapp
River! Racing on the Rappahannock on Sunday was abandoned, again because
of lack of wind. Saturday's RESULTS: PHRF A:
1. Leroi Lissenden, Voodoo 2; 2.
Rob Whittet, Wavelength; 3. Paul
Cross, Battlewagon. PHRF
B/C: 1.Jerry Latell, Old School; 2.Eric
Powers, Neried; 3.Miles Booth,
Shenanigan. PHRF Non-Spin: 1.George
Burke,Revielle; 2.Ric Bauer,
Desperado; 3.Doug Anderson, Dandelion.
J105: 1. Brad Davis, Blade Runner;
2.Karns/Moyer, 11th Hour. PRO:
Brooks Zerkel.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club hosts the June Long Distance
Race, Saturday, June 9. CBYRA sanctioned event for PHRF classes
as well as a cruising class for non-PHRF boats. For info contact event
chairman Lud Kimbrough at (804) 327-9028.
" 'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
to talk of many things: Of shoes ...and ships...and sealing wax...Of
cabbages ...and kings... And why the sea is boiling hot... And whether pigs have
wings.' " So too has the time come to decide which are the
best of the best in the southern Chesapeake Bay.
Southern Bay Race Week racing starts Friday, June
1. For info or late registration,
contact event organizer Leigh Morgan at (757) 726-9649 or go to the
web at www.blacksealcup.com
More than 80 boats are expected - be one of them. SBRW - 6 great
races, 4 great parties! [ The Walrus and The Carpenter by Lewis Carroll
Small world for southern Bay young racers: David
Gundlach, the younger, was in Valencia, Spain, getting an eyeful of the
Louis Vuitton Cup boats, when he heard a familiar voice, which belonged to
Derby Anderson, who was working there as an ESPN
BLUEWATER RACING: Southern Bay racer,
Jan Brandt, Rafiki sailing as ER
Tape, is entered in the 2007 Bermuda
One-Two. This is a single-hand / double-hand race; Newport to
Bermuda (singlehand leg) and Bermuda to Newport (doublehand leg). Things
get underway June 9 from Newport, RI. Frank Gazioch will
crew with Jan on the return leg.
The Rockette gang has arrived from Elizabeth City at
SBRW headquarters with trademark yellow truck and boat. No sooner had
Chuck Monsees and team gotten the J/29 rigged than they were on
the water and "gone sailing" yesterday. Good to have 'em back. Also
at SBRW from North Carolina are Lloyd Griffin's Cash
Flow, and Pete Hunter's
Old friends Andi and Rob Overton dropped by
their old Hampton Roads stomping grounds last week. Rob helped officiate
the ODU Women's Collegiate National Championships while they were here.
Rob is a long standing member of the US SAILING Racing Rules Committee and had
a whooooooole lot to do with the major revision of the RRS
in 2000.
Portsmouth Boat Club hosted 29 boats with skippers and crew at
reports the wind was perfect at the venue, just off Portsmouth City
Park, and all went well. RESULTS: LASER: 1.Steve
Wirt; 2.James Collins; 3.James
Hardesty. FORCE 5: 1.James Shook;
2.Mike Austin; 3.Jonathan Austin.
MOTH: 1.Mike Parsons; 2.Joe Bousquet;
3.John Claytor. OPEN MONO-FLEET: 1.John
Meyer (Sunfish); 2.Jerry Thompson (Mutineer);
3.Steve Spratt (Capri 14). OPEN MULTIHULL FLEET:
1.Dan Berger (Hobie F14); 2.Jim Basnight (A
Class Cat); 3.Kevin Baum (A Class Cat).
"ALL THAT" will provide live music for the B-I-G
PARTY on Saturday night of Southern Bay Race Week. The band is
sponsored by TowneBank. Throw those dancin' shoes in your "stuff
bag". High heel sneakers are permitted. DAVE
CARTER, a favorite post-race party "music man" in the Hampton
Roads area will provide live entertainment Friday night. Then, on Sunday,
Quantum Sail Design, Hampton, will provide free Quantum Dogs at the final
awards presentations ceremony. For regatta event schedule and party and
food and drink opportunities check out the website at www.blacksealcup.com
State Junior Championships are all set for Saturday, June 23, at Fishing Bay
Yacht Club. This regatta is open to all junior sailors.
Optimist, 420, Laser, and Laser Radial racers are invited. There WILL be a
separate Optimist Green Fleet. Get the details and get registered at the
FBYC website www.fbyc.net
open Tuesday Nights racing in Willoughby Bay (aka Little Bay) on Tuesday,
May 29. For info contact Race Coordinator Emory Nemeth (757) 549-1788,
or Jerry Pattenaude (757) 543-3029.
Remember, for southern Bay racers the first two weekends
in June are double the fun. Hard on the heels of SBRW (this coming
weekend) is the HARBORFEST HOMETOWNE REGATTA, June 9 (Saturday),
hosted by Portsmouth Boat Club. This is a CBYRA sanctioned event,
open to all PHRF Fleets and also offering a Cruising Fleet. Skippers
Meeting is Thursday, June 7, 7:00pm at Portsmouth Boat Club. The post-race
social (awards presentation) is always a first-class social opportunity -
PBC is at the head of the class when it comes to "good ole" southern
hospitality. Entry fee is $30 ($25 for USSA members) and includes T-shirt
and 6 wrist bands. For entry and other info, contact event organizer
Larry Bryant at (757) 484-4966 or do on line registration at the PBC website
This race is always a fun event and this year it happens right in the midst of
Harborfest and Sail Virginia (all those tall ships) activity.
The GOSLING GIRLS, as in Gosling's Black Seal Cup, are
going to be at Southern Bay Race Week this coming weekend. Word
is they know their rum and they know their racers! So... get to know
them! This will be fun.
see there were Hobie Cats and A-Cats in the area Saturday. Wish I'd
known. I could have introduced the Murphy Dog 3 foot mono-hull!
/S/ Murphy the Racing Beagle,
the sailing spirit in us all.