Monday September 10, 2007 10:31AM
GABRIELLE WHO?? What a nice Monday morning!
CCV FALL SERIES begins this coming Sunday. Two
races in the Hampton Roads harbor area. The 2007 CCV Fall Series
schedule is: Races I & 2, September 16; Races 3 & 4,
September 23; and Races 5 & 6, October 14. For information
and/or to enter the entire series or individual races, contact John
McCarthy at (757) 850-4225. OPEN TO ALL. All races in the
Hampton Annual - Middle Ground Light
Race: With a new date (used to be in
June) and a changed venue (used to be off Ocean View), Hampton Annual
racers were favored with moderate wind and a cheering gang of spectators on
the Middle Ground Lighthouse. The mid-morning to early
afternoon jaunt took the fleets from Hampton Bar, to marks off Craney
Island near the Elizabeth River, and around Middle Ground Light before the
finish. The race was geared to get everyone back in time for Bay
Days afternoon festivities. It was all capped off with the grand fireworks
display Saturday evening. Actual awards will be presented at the
Hampton YC Awards Ceremony in December. RESULTS: PHRF A (7
boats): 1.David Eberwine, Sea Star,
J/36; 2.Will Roberts, Treaty of Ghent, Hobie 33;
3.Sledd Shelhorse, Meridian 2, Farr 36. PHRF
B: (7 boats): 1.Larry Preddy, PF Flyer, Pearson
Flyer; 2.Graham Field, Independence, Islander 36;
3.Ben Cuker, Callinectes, Cal 30-3. PHRF C (6
boats): 1.Justin Morris, The Hunter, Hunter
26.5; 2.Bert Johnson, Rocket J, J/24; 3.Bob
Thomas, Surprise, Beneteau First. PHRF Non-Spin
1.Andy Armstrong, Virginia H, Soverel 30;
2.Marty Steffens, Riptide, Colgate 26; 3.Larry
Bryant, Whisper, Hunter 40. Race Chairmen:
Malcolm and Kathy Brady
Olympic Laser Hopeful in Our
Midst: Dave Fagen, has qualified and is
training for the Laser Olympic Trials in Newport next month.
Dave is currently stationed at the Norfolk Naval Station and is sailing
out of the Norfolk Naval Sailing Association. Recently, Dave
finished 3rd in the Laser Pacific Coast Championships. To make
tax deductible contributions to Dave's Olympic campaign,
make your check payable to US Naval Sailing Foundation, put "Fagen
Olympic Effort" in the memo section, and mail it to: Fagen Olympic
Campaign, 2311 Andalusia Way NE, St.Petersburg, FL 33704.
Tri-Services Regatta Draws 59 Single
Headsail Boats: Norfolk Naval Sailing Association (Navy), Old
Point Comfort Yacht Club (Army), and Langley Yacht Club (Air Force) staged
their annual brouhaha Saturday, and OPCYC finished first overall, beating NNSA
by 5 points in the club competition scoring. This is an annual
affair supported by the three armed services clubs that generates a
basis for bragging rights among their membership before and after the
event. Of the 59 boats, 15 were PHRF racers, the remaining 44 sailed in
the 4 cruising fleets. RESULTS: Racing/PHRF:
1.Jake Brodersen, Midnight Mistress; 2.Steve
Ritz, Excelsior; 3.Jeff Rogers,
Halaha. Cruising 1: 1.Paul Mellen,
Saltwater Taffy; 2.Lee Naugle,
Genesis; 3.Seth Perkins, Charisma.
Cruising 2: 1.Dick McCrillis, Charis;
2.Jay Wright, Aria; 3.Mike Turner,
Cats Paws. Cruising 3: 1.Doc Foster,
Bluejacket; 2.Brandon Smith, Carol Jean;
3.John Bouma, Noname. Cruising
4: 1.Raleigh Martin, Second Wind;
2.Mike Barber, Crusader; 3.Bob
Gumpright, Mollie Rose. PRO - John
More southern Bay racers at CBYRA-Annapolis Race
Week: Katy Beemer crewed on Endorphin,
a Sydney 36, that finished 2nd overall in A1. Kenny
Saylor (Hampton, North Sails) "tacticated" on Kahuna,
Sanford Richardson's boat that finished 2nd in A0 (see #359 of
Congratulations are in order for All American Skipper,
Chris Behm. Chris, now in his senior year at Georgetown
University, has been named to the 2007 ICSA All American
Team. That's a WOW!
Racers are asked to use REAL QUARTERS at toll
booths: Authorities at the Coleman Bridge are slightly
annoyed as weekend traffic problems have been traced to southern Bay
racers moving to and fro over the York River to attend various
regattas. Apparently the rigging tape holding the two
dimes and the nickel together keeps jamming the quarters only
toll machines.
Little Boats on Little Bay on Sunday
Afternoons: Broad Bay Sailing Association has joined up with
the Norfolk Naval Sailing Center to have dinghy racing every Sunday afternoon
between now and at least the end of October. Everyone is welcome -
college, high school, oldies, newbies, and small boat groupies are all
welcome. Racing starts on Willoughby Bay at 2 pm each Sunday. For
details contact Leon Garber at (757) 615-7154.
Leroi Lissenden and his crew on Voodoo
2 visited Hampton Roads and raced in the Hampton Annual-
Middle Ground Light Race. Voodoo expects to stay around to race
in the CCV Fall Series before heading home to Fishing
Don DeLoach and Molly have their Soverel 27
home in Virginia Beach. She was delivered from Baltimore over Labor Day
Weekend. Don said the delivery crew reported top hull speed of 65 knots as
they negotiated I-95. Now comes the hard part - what to name
The small boat sailors playing in the Sunday
Afternoon Series on Willoughby Bay are truly in love with dinghy
racing. A few of them even raced yesterday, in
spite of the dire predictions by the TV weather folk that Tropical Storm
Gabrielle was going to blow us all off the map. Neither NFL football nor
Weather Channel drama could keep these sailing crazies away from a good racing
opportunity. They sailed in 15 to 20 knots in the protected bay and had a
great time. Good on 'em!
Bluewater your cup of tea? There is an Offshore Sailing Symposium for 2007 course scheduled for September 15-16 at the Hampton Yacht Club, Hampton, VA. You can check out the venue for the Caribbean 1500 rally and prepare yourself for ocean passages. To learn more go to www.carib1500.com or call Steve Black at 757-722-8872. There are already more than 65 boats registered for the 2007 Caribbean 1500 which leaves from Hampton, November 4.
Fagen, our Laser sailor with Olympic aspirations, has a lot going on in
addition to serving his country (US Navy - mobilized reservist - stationed
with the Fleet Forces Command in Norfolk) he is coaching the Norfolk
Collegiate High School Sailling Team. (see item above re Dave's
Olympic effort.)
School Sailing Programs are getting underway right
now. Remember, today's high school kid could be your bowman next
summer! Here are a few of the southern Bay
schools that have established programs: Christchurch School
(Saluda), Hampton Roads Academy (Newport News), Maury High School
(Norfolk), Walsingham Academy (Williamsburg), Poquoson High School
(Poquoson), and Norfolk Collegiate (Norfolk). This is not an all inclusive
list and it changes. Check out the school near
On your
way to the Caribbean 1500 and bluewater adventure, spend a weekend
at Yankee Point on the Rappahannock River and do the Hospice
Turkey Shoot Regatta (October 5-7). This 100+ boat
regatta provides a wonderful gathering place for boats of all shapes and
sizes. Participants include a variety of boats ranging from pre-World
War II classics to J/24s and Catalinas. Racing is for boats of
designs at least 25 years old. There is a special
Flying Cloud Division for those who do not race often as well
as a Lightning Division for those interested in competing to qualify
for the Hospice National Championship Regatta. Beautiful setting,
three days of socializing, a Friday evening Competitors Clinic led by event
Principle Race Officer John McCarthy, racing on Saturday and Sunday,
the historic yacht Miss Ann from Tides Inn (Irvington,
VA) serving as the official spectators boat, and much, much
more. To enter go to the event website at www.hospiceturkeyshootregatta.com
or to host Yankee Point Marina website at www.yankeepointmarina.com and click
on "Regatta", or call Karen Knull at (804)
SHOWS ARE COMING: VIBE - Virginia In-Water Boat Expo
and SailFest opens in downtown Norfolk (Waterside) this
coming Friday, September 14, and runs through Sunday, September
16. The SailFest portion is presented by Sail America, the same
folks who product the Strictly Sail@ Shows. They are aware of the
sailing interest in the southern Bay and they aim to capture sailors'
fancy. For details go to www.strictlysail.com
The Annapolis Sailboat Show runs Thursday, October 4 through
Monday, October 8. You can go line to buy your tickets for the
"world's largest sailboat show" at www.usboat.com
Racing on the "Rivah": Saturday,
September 29, Rappahannock River Yacht Club offers two
CBYRA sanctioned races for PHRF Spinnaker and PHRF Non-Spinnaker
fleets. Drop Mark courses on the Rappahannock between the
Rappahannock River bridge and Towles Point. For info and to enter
contact Jerry Latell at (804) 776-6151 (day) or (804) 438-5875
MURPHY'S LAW: It's hard to
be angry with a undesirable guest who pulls a no-show, no matter how much
inconvenience you went through in preparation for the
visit. Hurricane Wanna-be Gabrielle turned out to be like
the ABC rep who calls at the last minute to say he can't make it to
inspect the party beer truck! The beer tastes even better!
/S/ Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in
us all.