Lin Mccarthy on Monday December 12, 2011 12:14PM

SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK 2012 (Welcome and check-in, Thursday, May 31 with racing June 1, 2,& 3) has again partnered with the downtown Hampton Crowne Plaza Marina Hotel to accommodate racers  at a special basic per night rate of $110, which includes parking.  Make your ressies now - go to www.hamptonmarinahotel.com  and use the special booking code SBR to book on line or call 1-888-233-9527 and say you are coming to Southern Bay Race Week 2012.  The Crowne Plaza is on the waterfront and within an easy walk of regatta headquarters at Hampton Yacht Club. 

MARINE EVENT APPLICATIONS - The Coast Guard has set up a user friendly electronic system for submitting Marine Event Applications.  You can access the on-line form at  https://homeport.uscg.mil/mycg/portal/ep/home.do .   Check out the form and have your info ready before you plan to actually submit - there is a 25 minute time limit (they can't help it-it's a system requirement), so you need to have your stuff ready.  The info you'll need to supply is pretty much the same as in 2011. If you have problems, you can still file a paper application.  NOTE:  You must file an application for a Marine Event, i.e. race or regatta, and, when you go out to conduct the event, the person designated as in charge must have the proper paperwork, which in most cases will be a letter of approval from the Coast Guard (in place of an actual permit).  The USCG wants us to be able to have our regattas, but they need to know we are out there.  IF you don't have your paperwork, you are subject to fines or worse.   The Coast Guard needs at least 60 days to process your application for a recurring 2011 event.  If your event is brand new, they need 135 days. 

Get 'er done!

DANA DILLON  MEMORIAL  NEW YEAR'S  MADNESS RACE -  Get your 2012 season started!!    January 1, 2012  This is a jointly sponsored (HYC and OPCYC),  staggered start (not staggering as un-recovered from the Eve party), point-to-point (mostly), real racing (almost) race.  Handicap adjustments are made for Spinnaker and Cruising entries.  Plan to get up or to stay up for the New Year's Day mandatory skippers meeting at 1000 at the HYC Dockside Lounge.  Breakfast is included for the skippers in the entry fee and crew and friends are welcome to partake at a nominal charge - serving begins a 0900.  Visiting racers are invited to raft up at the ends of the HYC piers during the skippers meeting.  Individual starting times will be available at the skippers meeting.  The earliest starting time possible will be 1130.  The starting line runs from the orange flag on the HYC dock to the blue rock on the Hampton University shore.  The finish line is between the orange flag on the Old Point Marina Pier and G "3"  Phoebus Channel.  ENTRY FEE IS $25 IF RECEIVED BY 1700 (5PM), WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21st; later than that and it jumps to $35.  Make check payable to OPCYC, and mail to Steve Ritz (OPCYC), 105 Pasbehegh Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23183.     For additional info and to enter, please contact Steve Ritz at 757-218-2775.   Don't let your entry get lost in the holiday hustle and bustle.  Here are 3 months worth of braggin' rights for 2012!   

CNU Assistant Sailing Coach Kate McClintock and her husband Vince Gomes, who is just back from Bahrain, will be leaving the Hampton Roads area shortly for Texas, site of his new assignment with the Navy.  This brings to an end Kate’s seven year association with the team as member and coach. CNU Head Coach Dan Winters said of Kate, ". . .she goes on as one of our most honored alumni."

Readers Dear,

    Southern Bay Racing News You Can Use will take a two week holiday break.  The next issue, #572,  will be out  Monday, January 2, 2012.   So . . .  Merry Christmas, Season Greetings, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, and Happy New Year! 

                                          Murphy, the Racing Beagle and SBRNYCU Staff

MURPHY'S LAW:    The Racing Beagle knows  "Tis better to give than to receive."  And, in the true spirit of the holiday season, Yrs Truly, the Racing Beagle,  has decided to give a gift that will  "keep on giving."   Special COUPONS   for a free sail, sandwiches and beer included, to all my crew and friends.  Redeemable on key race dates in 2012.   This is win-win for The Murphster.  Hope S.Claus is listening, too.     /S/  Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.

Tags: sbrw

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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