Monday March 19, 2012 02:23PM
on To Fiddler's Green. "Roger Moorman was my grandfather. Growing up I knew he was a cantankerous old coot and difficult to get along with, but also full of interesting experiences and knowledge. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I developed a much closer personal relationship with Grandad, coincidentally learning more about him from others. He was respected by many who passed along amazing stories of his sailing, sailboat racing, boat building, and influences on the sport." Andrew Kator - Clifton Forge, VA - Grandson Mar 15, 2012 Roger Moorman, 90, of Gloucester, Williamsburg and recently Richmond, VA, died March 9, 2012. He was a graduate of Christchurch School, Saluda, VA , he served as chief gunnery officer on the Victory ships of WWII. On the Alice Lykes and Pittson Victory, he defended wartime runs to both the Black Sea port of Odessa and the dangerous Soviet Artic port of Murmansk, near the end of the war. Roger had boat building in his blood, but didn't have the time to pursue his dream until 1954, when he designed and manufactured his 17 ft. sloop Mobjack –the very first self-bailing fiberglass boat. He held patents in both England and Canada. Roger also built 15 ft. Windmills, frequently used as training boats in Annapolis, Christchurch and other sailing schools. Roger has left the sailing community so much. He will be fondly remembered. (http://hosting-tributes-24290.tributes.com/show/Roger-Moorman-93326307)
THE VERNAL EQUINOX - Tomorrow, TUESDAY, MARCH 20TH. The time of night and day is of equal length all over the Earth. THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING!
Congratulations to southern Bay racers DILLON PAIVA and IAN STOKES. Both have been named to the US SAILING Development Team for 2012 and both hail from Norfolk, Virginia. Dillon Paiva has been selected to the Olympic Development Team in 470 Men and Ian Stokes has been named to the Youth Development Team in Techno 293 Boys (Windsurfer). For 2012, the USSDT will reflect the advancement of Olympic class sailing in the U.S. as it is now divided into two groups: the Olympic Development Team (ODT), focused on performance in Olympic Class equipment, and the Youth Development Team (YDT), focused on performance in the equipment used in the ISAF Youth World Championship.
APRIL FOOLS REGATTA - Southern Bay J24 Fleet 71 will open the season on APRIL 1. J24s are invited to come racing on Sunday, April 1. Skippers Meeting at 1000 at the Hampton Yacht Club lift. First warning is scheduled for 1100. Time and weather permitting, multiple races will be attempted. Please contact Alan Bomar (757-810-4518) or John or Lin McCarthy 757-0850-4225 or email mcbear@earthlink.net for entry forms and preliminary Sailing Instructions.
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK UPDATE: The US Naval Academy Midshipmen are signed up and ready to race. There will be two Navy 44s, Integrity and Gallant, at SBRW representing the USNA, and racing in the PHRF A fleet. "We are always pleased to have the Midshipmen and their coaches with us during SBRW," event chairman Jack Pope said. "Their presence on the race course and at the regatta parties and gatherings is a great opportunity for SBRW racers and supporters to meet and get to know these fine young people." Recently entered as well are three more boats, two from the Peninsula - Ben Cuker, Callinectes (Hampton) and Dan and Tom Pherson, Elan (Newport News) - and one from Annapolis, Aaron Ressler, Parrot Head, a second Tartan Ten in SBRW. Y'all come racing! For info, entry form, list of entries to date, and regatta details, please click here www.blacksealcup.com
**March 24, 2012 - This coming Saturday morning! NUTS AND BOLTS OF RACE COMMITTEE - Emphasis on Starting and Finishing Races. OPEN TO ALL. 0900 - 1200 at Hampton Yacht Club (Hampton) This is a great clinic for Race Committee teams, volunteers, and anyone else interested in getting the basics down. This is a practical clinic - good for newbies as well as a refresher for race committee regulars. There is NO CHARGE for this clinic and coffee, pastries, and other refreshments are included. Please do PRE-REGISTER, since space is limited - call or email Lin McCarthy to reserve your spot - (757) 850-4225 or mcbear@earthlink.net Hampton Yacht Club and CCV are co-sponsors of this clinic.
**March 27, 2012 - CCV Annual Racing Guide Distribution and Racing Clinic - (OPEN TO ALL) - no charge - The Racing Guide is included in a CCV membership. Purchase a membership at the clinic, if you have not already. CCV is planning to invite well known rules guru and southern Bay expatriate Rob Overton to conduct the clinic which will be held at Hampton Yacht Club. Reservations are not required. For info contact Bob Thomas at 757-898-9407.
4-6 pm at Marker 20 in downtown Hampton (one block off the waterfront) 21 East Queens Way, Hampton, VA There is NO CHARGE for admission. The keg for the party is compliments of Jim Miller and Doyle Sails. For info and details contact Dave Taylor (757) 344-5292. Come and nob some hobs, line up a ride or crew, and offer your socks to the racing gods. It is time to go racing! AND . . Hampton Public Piers is running a special on the weekend of the 31st for sock burners, offering rates at just 75 cents a foot plus electric per night - cometh by land or, better yet, cometh by sea!!! Call Kate at 757-727-1276 anytime or go to www.hamptonpublicpiers.com.
HOT LINKS - Entry information and/or event details :
- SPINSHEET MAGAZINE CREW LISTING SERVICE - http://www.spinsheet.com/spinsheet-crew-listing-directory
- 63rd DOWN THE BAY RACE for the VIRGINIA CRUISING CUP www.hamptonyc.com click on DTB logo
- 2012 SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK for the BLACK SEAL CUP www.blacksealcup.com
MURPHY'S LAW: Yrs Truly, the Racing Beagle, reminds us that it is time for all racers to get ready to move out of the littoral zone, i.e. the place where the land meets the sea. It is time to launch the boat, leave the beach, cast off the lines, head for the course. . . go racing!! Let the good times begin! /S/ Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.