Annual One Design Regatta
Monday July 21, 2008 12:39PM
Attached is the event logo design for event apparel available on line and on site, including white short sleeve cotton tee shirts, short sleeve micro fiber shirts, and long sleeve micro fiber shirts. Please order early on line to facilitate inventory planning. There may also be a special hat in nautical red, denim blue and khaki. The white and tan hats on the website now are the logo from last year (undated).
Registration will begin at 1730 on Friday evening and continue at 0900 Saturday. Continental Breakfast will be served from 0800 am to 0900 both Saturday and Sunday. The Skippers meeting will be at 1030 on Saturday, with a First Warning at 1130, to allow time for the breeze to fill in. On Sunday, First Warning will be moved up to 1000, breeze permitting, so visitors can get on the road earlier afterwards. Awards will follow racing on Sunday.
Beer, wine, cocktails and sodas from a cash bar will be served following the racing each day. Big John Hubbard, aka Brain Freeze John, will concoct and serve his notorious frozen Margaritas from his magic slurpy machine (capacity over 100 icy blasts), as he did at the Flying Scot NACs picnic and closing dinner. Dinner will be served Saturday night following the cocktail period. More particulars on the exact schedule will be forthcoming.
As usual, we will close the One Design field to vehicles following unloading and will provide tractors and operators for easy launching of trailered boats, while accommodating Junior hand launching on the grass ramp by the Junior shed.
Noel Clinard is the Event Chair, Meg Clinard is the Social Chair, Rick Klein is the PRO and Race Committee Chair on the spinnaker courses while David Hazlehurst is the Race Committee Chair on the non-spinnaker courses, and Arthur McCray is leading the food service and clean-up. I am sure they would welcome your assistance should you wish to volunteer. Email specifying your area of interest and he will forward your message to the appropriate volunteer sector. In particular, help is needed for short periods directing traffic/parking and for clean-up both days.