On Saturday July 23, FBYC hosted an International Opti Hi-Performance Clinic in anticipation of the Opti Nationals, under leadership of FBYC Head Coach Juan Romero. Eighteen sailors attended the Clinic or the related Green Fleet Clinic run by Captain Ron Jenkins. Included were five visitors from Juans native club in Salinas, Ecuador. After the Clinic the Juniors engaged in a traditional Burgee exchange. Madeleine Alderman presented the FBYC Burgee and received the Salinas Burgee from Maria Mercedes Ayala. Then, Noel Clinard conducted a naming ceremony for the Wright Skiff begun by the Maritime Museum at FBYC during the Junior Olympics and completed by the museum personnel and Noel. Continuing the tradition of naming club boats after beloved club personnel like Mr. Roberts FBYCs Wright Skiff was named SEÑOR JUAN after Juan Romero who organized the international clinic and has moved FBYCs Opti sailors to a new level this year. Looking on were five of Juans pupils from Salinas, including Maria Mercedes Ayala, who exchanged the Burgee, and Maria Eliza Ayala, Rafael Viteri, Edwardo Viteri and Axel Collin, as well as the current Salinas Coach (and Juans own coach as a Junior) Alejandro Kloss.
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FBYC participants in the clinic included Alex and Erin Jacob, Madeleine and Graeme Alderman, Ben Buhl, Austin Powers and George Cloud. Others from Annapolis Yacht Club and Hampton Yacht Club, included Sammy and Brady Stagg, Scott Houck, Melissa Flowe, and McKay and Alexander Hanna. The funds for the Wright Skiff kit and for build-out were donated by FBYC members Walter Bundy (kit) and Noel Clinard (build-out).
Following the clinic and a nights rest, the Ecuadorian Team, with FBYCs Alex and Erin Jacob, Madeleine and Graeme Alderman, and Austin Powers departed in a caravan of boats and trailers driven by FBYCs coaches, Dale Alderman and James Jacob. While in Norfolk at the Opti Nationals, many will stay with FBYC s Frank and Betsy Murphy.
FBYC extends its gratitude to those who so generously support the Junior Program.