Closing Day Race Report
Tuesday October 28, 2008 01:16PM
We were able to set Mark Y and get Mr. Roberts back to B for an on time start at 1100. We set a course of B A C B Y B - which sent the boats on a short beat to A, a close reach to C, and then a broad reach back to the start at B, and finally a circular course around Stove Point, up the Piankitank River, around Y and return to finish at the Start Mark B.
A few boats set a chute on the third leg back to B, and likewise a few set chutes going up the river. Cats Pajamas was out in front going up the river and was able to substantially extend her lead with a spinnaker most of that long leg. As a result, no one was able to pass her, and she finished first surfing downwind wing and wing to the Finish. Drake Johnstone said he had never seen conditions where a J-24 would surf wing and wing.
After the race, everybody enjoyed oysters cooked over the outdoor grill and in the kitchen and served about 10 different ways by Bonnie and Will Vest. The J105 Fleet 15 awarded its season trophies to 1. Mike Karn - Inevitable, 2. Brad Davis - Blade Runner, and 3rd David Clark - Corryvreckan. Finally, Commodore Ric Bauer presented the trophies for the Offshore Fall Series to the various winners.