Corrotoman Cruise
Thursday June 1, 2006 04:54PM
onBy popular demand, Cruising Division Lt. Commander Ed OConnor opened the guitar locker of WRINKLED SHEETS and performed a medley of after-dinner tunes that prompted an outburst of singing unrivaled since yesterdays bathroom shower. Although several optimists in the group suggested taping the performance for American Idol, the majority of the cruisers recovered their wits sufficiently to reject this idea and returned to their boats for a night of self reflection, uninterrupted until someone ashore set off a shotgun blast at precisely 8 AM. Whether this was intended to mark the occasion of Memorial Day or to restore order to the River, it seemed to achieve the latter as most cruisers hastily weighed anchor and sailed homeward shortly thereafter in light air.
The Cruising Division is indebted to Gordon and Sheila for their generosity and hospitality in chairing and hosting this event.