Thursday November 10, 2005 12:25AM
This past Sat. & Sun, Nov. 5-6, two FBYC Flying Scots traveled to LNYC (Lake Norman Yacht Club) in Mooresville, North Carolina. Noel Clinards, Doubloon and John Hubbards, Fathom Knot II, traveled in convoy 6 hrs. to compete at LNYC 8th Annual Fall 48 & Carolina District Flying Scot Championships. Forty-five Scots competed over two beautiful days in winds from 2 to 18 knots.
Larry Vitez, Flying Scot Fleet Captain, and LNYC were excellent hosts. They provided accommodations on the clubs 25 acre site for many of the sailors and provided a good meal and revelry Saturday night. Larry and other Scot sailors gave us the royal treatment as several of their fleet of nearly 50 Scots had attended the Flying Scott ACCs hosted earlier this year by FBYC. Mike Massie brought along our burgee to bestow upon LNYC and they responded in kind. (Larry Vitez, LNYC Fleet Captain, is in the middle holding our burgee).
Noel Clinard and crew, Mike Massie, were the talk of the day on Saturday when they pulled (as Mike Massie called it) a Horizon Job on the fleet. For those who have not a clue what this means . A Horizon Job is when you are so far ahead of the fleet that the fleet almost loses sight of you over the horizon. Just as Doubloon was about to cross the finish line however, the Race Committee abandoned the race. The RC explanation was that in their judgment it may not have been fair for the rest of the fleet, who by the rules needed to finish within 30 minutes of the first place finisher or be scored DNF.
To continue click on Read More...REDRESS & REBULLETIZATION
After discussion amongst the FBYC contingent Clinard lodged a request for redress. The panel of Judges grappled with the situation for a couple hours before Rebulletizing Doubloon. (Perhaps they felt sorry for poor Noel who began the day with a dunking when he slipped off the foredeck of Dubloon, cell phone, wallet and all, as everyone was leaving the docks).
Top overall honors for the regatta were taken by David & Alyson Neff, of SBSC (Selby Bay Sailing Center) who also won the ACCs hosted earlier this year by FBYC. Your scribe, John Hubbard and crew, Mike Miller and Ellis Hubbard, did get a hard fought bullet in the fifth and final race of the regatta on Sunday. (This helped repair some of the damage from an over early the day before).
LNYC has already invited any and all FBYC Scot Sailors to their Great 48 Regatta the first weekend in May! Either Noel Clinard, Mike Massie, Mike Miller, or I will lead the convoy.