FBYC/NYYC Farewell
Sunday September 12, 2010 11:20AM
The evening began with cocktails in the tent housing a Sperry Shoe Store and 2 car Jaguar Display, then moved to another tent for dinner, awards and dancing to a Blues Band. Before dinner, guests watched a video of the 2010 Invitational Cup narrated by NYYC Commodore Elwell. Awards were presented by Event Chair Dod Fraser and his Co-Chairs Will and Marie Crump. The top three teams, Eastern, Annapolis, and Newport Harbor received invitations to the 2011 Invitational Cup and the three consolation finalists received awards. During dinner, in groups of six, the other participants received framed action photos of their team and a History of the NYYC, which will be proudly displayed at FBYC. Several of the FBYC group repaired to the Bar in Harbour Court for a final gathering, cut short by the determination of some to leave at 4 am this morning. Some drove to Providence for early flights. Others will tow the RIB to Brant Beach NJ for an upcoming junior event and to Rochester NY to return the chartered Sonar.