Flying Scot Tune-Up Clinic
Tuesday March 22, 2011 08:12PM
DATE: Saturday, April 9
MAKE-UP DATE: Sunday, April 10
TIME: 9:00 a.m. til mid-afternoon
DESCRIPTION: Conducted at FBYC by Jerry Latell of Ullman Sails Virginia & Latell Sailmakers, and David Neff from the Selby Bay Sailing Center and FS Capitol District Governor. The primary focus of the clinic is to appeal to the beginning and intermediate Scot sailor, but there will also be discussions of an advanced, higher level nature. The clinic is open to all Scot sailors from around the District.
FEE: There is no fee for this clinic. Pack you own lunch or you may sign up for pizza and drink for a charge of $6.
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION: John Beery at Email Address or 804-769-2856 (home).