Interim High Point Standings
Thursday May 16, 2013 02:06PM
onOffshore Fleet:
The interim high point results have been posted to the FBYC web site. This is for informational purposes only and the scores are not final. The results are organized by fleet. There are 3 pages in each result set. The first page is the summary of daily scores as recorded in low point. The second page is the raw high point conversions, scores, and calculated participation. The third page is the current standings summary and ranking; excluding boats whose participation level did not meet the 51% or greater eligibility requirement. The third page is the page that shows the "final" series results once they are final of course.
Overall, I realize the computation here is different from the way it’s been in the past. But hopefully you will see the value that this systems offers. Please let me know if you have any questions.