Junior Activities, A Grandfather's Perspective
Monday June 9, 2003 07:16AM
onAnd on Sunday the die hard Junior racing team members were out in force using all of our 420 fleet for the first time. Onshore, thanks to the untiring efforts of the Junior Lt. Commander there were drinks, snacks and an ice cream social to fill hungry young tums. A great start to another year of Junior training, with another opporunity to meet Melanie Clore, our head coach, Sean Fisher, her assistant and Dan Herlihy, the 420 coach.
Conditions were inevitably wet, but this in no way fazed the Opti kids and their parents who spent hours in the water. No way were they going to follow the lead of their adult counterparts, rig their boats and decide they'd rather go home than sail. Abslutely no way. And for a second consecutive week sitting around the fireplace rather than on the sceened porch was the favorite gathering place. And for the adults who stayed over Saturday nght there was a crab picking dinner, icing on the cake so to speak.
Even if you are not directly involved in Junior week, if you are at the club during that time, please come over to the Fishing Bay side of the club, and see perpetual motion exemplifed. More Pictures are available here.