Let's Start the Season Fresh! Sign up for FBYC Spring Clean-up & Adult Sailing Boat Prep - Saturday March 22 9AM - 1PM

Elizabeth Staas on Wednesday February 26, 2025 08:39AM

We will be sprucing up the Club!  Note: Specific needs will be determined as we get closer to 3/22 based on what can be accomplished prior.  We may have indoor/outdoor needs so sign up and stay tuned!

We will need volunteers to assist Ron Jenkins in prep/maintenance of our FBYC Adult Sailing Boats (Flying Scots)

.Bring work gloves, any yard tools (such as wheelbarrows, pitchforks, rakes, shovels, cordless drills and trimmers, etc and please label well), comfortable shoes, and come hang out with friends and make the Club and our Adult Sailing Boats gorgeous and ready for a new year! Yes, you can operate your own items and keep track of them. Please sign up to help out get FBYC ready for the season.   

SIGN UP HERE for Spring Cleaning and Adult Sailing Boat Prep

We will meet at the main clubhouse at 9:00 am for direction and tasks.

Lunch and drinks will be provided - so we will need a headcount---sign up now!

If you have questions about CLEAN UP, please contact Allen Mason at Allen.Mason@virginiahousing.com.

After lunch, follow your friends to the Deltaville Sock Burn and Oyster Roast in the afternoon from 3:30-7:00pm offered by Evolution Sails in downtown Deltaville.  Please ensure you sign up if you plan to attend the Evolution Sails Event---to allow Jerry and his team to have enough food/bev on hand.  Don't be a party pooper---sign up!.

SIGN UP HERE to RSVP for Evolution Sails Annual Sock Burning and Oyster Roast

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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