Lucky Dog Racing at Key West Race Week
Saturday January 15, 2011 12:20PM
onLucky Dog racing will be sailing in Key West Race Week all next week. Skipper Travis Weisleder will have fellow FBYC members Lud Kimbrough, John Wake, Rob Whittemore and Jon Deutsch along. Tal Ozeri from Texas will round out the crew of 6.
Lucky Dog is a J105 and will be sailing against 14 other J105's on the Division 2 Racing Area. Races will run Monday-Friday from mid-morning until mid-afternoon.
Ways to Follow Along:
- Jon Deutsch Blog
- @jondeutsch
- Key West Race Week Website (will have links to course blogs and results starting Monday)
- Sailing World Key West Race Week Blog
- Twitter Search for updates on Key West Race Week
The General Schedule for the Week:
- Saturday: Arrival & final boat preparation
- Sunday: Practice
- Monday-Friday: ~10:30am-4pm racing
- KWRW Schedule of Events (pdf)