Marie Crump Klok advances to Prince of Wales Nationals
Tuesday July 19, 2005 01:24AM
FBYC members Marie Klok Crump and Will Crump repeated their feat from last month by winning the area ABC semi-finals in the Prince of Wales Trophy in Annapolis, MD. The POW is the US National Match Racing Championship which is raced annually as a cup system. Will and Marie were joined by Maries brother, Thomas Klok in both the qualifying victory in Hampton, VA last month as well as the semi-final victory this weekend in Annapolis.
The team raced a consistent event winning 7 out of 10 matches with plenty of close racing. Finishing second was Geoff Ewenson followed by Dan Wittig in third. Dan and team finished second in the Hampton qualifier.
The family trio has now earned one of the 8 berths in the final event to be held in Newport Beach, CA in September. The Annapolis semifinal was raced in privately owned J/24s and the finals in California will be raced in Governors Cup 21.