November 2009 Storm - Message from Dixon

Strother Scott on Saturday November 14, 2009 09:43AM

Picture 260 With over 48 hours so far of high winds and as of Friday morning with 4 ½ft of water above normal high tide the Yacht Club has survived with only minor dock damage, i.e. boards missing, dock light submerged. The worst damage was to the east pier east out board pilings 4th in from the outside transient piling (Waddy and Ted’s) Piling snapped off after Waddy’s port bow line parted and was forced to take the impact of several thousand lbs all at once, with Waddy’s and Ted’s boats vying for position of slip dominance some paint was traded and just make sure that the two boats decided that Invictus should get some abuse just spread things around. No real structural damages but the boat yards will be happy and the insurance co. actually have to come off some of their ill got gains.

Picture 256 Nutcracker’s stern line part late Thursday and traded paint with Wavelength for a little while and Liquid (Dabney’s boat) broke at least 3 of the four lines that were on her and may have traded some paint with Blade Runner. John Moody’s boat broke a starboard stern line and may have rubbed the back porch a little.

Well that’s the report from the bay as of 9am. Pictures available at

P.S. the Road maybe passable around noon until 3 or 4pm and again at midnight if anyone wants to try to get here. Power is on but not on the docks.

Dixon Cole FBYC Manager

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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