October 15th Wilton Creek Finale
Tuesday October 4, 2011 09:17PM
onFew sights are more pleasing to the eye than a tranquil anchorage on Wilton Creek in late October. Join the Cruising Division for its annual Wilton Creek Cruise and Dinner by registering at the FBYC website and paying online. Wine servings will begin @ 6 pm on 10/15 in the Coves at Wilton Creek Clubhouse, followed by appetizers, entrees, and desserts, all prepared and served with the usual culinary elegance to which FBYC cruisers are accustomed. “Auto Cruisers” are welcomed, as are any offshore or one design racers who decide to become “cruisers for a night” to learn in detail what they’ve been missing. To insure an accurate head count and enough food for all, the registration deadline is noon on Thursday October 13th.