Please Welcome our new General Manager...
Tuesday January 3, 2017 05:06PM
onWe are pleased to announce the hiring of Brian Ankrom to fill the new role of General Manager. Brian began on January 2nd and his office is located in Fannie's House. Brian is originally from Richmond where he coordinated and managed litigation discovery and production projects since 2001. For the past several years he has resided in the Northen Neck with his wife and two children and has for the past two years managed vessel service projects at a local boatyard. Brian earned a Baccalaureate in Recreation, Parks, and Sports Management from VCU, as well as a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. He is a member of numerous community and charitable organizations to which he devotes much of his free time.
Brian will work closely with Dixon Cole, as well as various Board Members and volunteers to strengthen both our offshore and onshore activities, including development of a club-owned boat program and more social activities, as well as project management related to the proposed east dock replacement. When you see Brian around the Club, please introduce yourself and welcome him to FBYC.