Racing Season is Almost Here
Sunday March 5, 2006 04:14PM
onOnly seven weeks until Opening Day. This is the month when many of us are working on that slick bottom. If you haven't done this already, there's still time to renew or obtain your required racing certification, MORC, PHRF, etc., for '06. If you have questions or need help with the PHRF form, contact Mayo Tabb or Mike Dale. The form is available on the PHRF of the Chesapeake Web Site. If you intend to compeat for CBYRA High Point, You need to be a current member of the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association. Check out their web site for an application form.
If you had a conversation over the winter months about serving as either race committe or social chair for race events, please check the schedule linked at the bottom of this page. If the posted assignments don't match with your memory, Please contact Mike Dale for PRO assignments and David Hinckle for social chairs.