Register for AOD and Stingray Point Regatta today!
Tuesday July 25, 2017 11:34PM
Registration is now open for the 78th Annual One Design Regatta, August 12-13, 2017. One of the biggest events of the year at FBYC, you won't want to miss this! We are happy to welcome the Hampton One Design 2017 National Championship as well! Come for two great days of racing, and a Saturday evening with friends, great food, and live music! Register now at Volunteers like you make this event happen, so please take a minute to log into Signup Genius and see if one of these fun volunteer opportunities fit your schedule!
Stingray Point Regatta
Stingray Point Regatta is almost here! Labor Day Weekend, the offshore fleet is taking to the water at our biggest offshore event of the year! This year we are excited about adding a Cruising option for racing! September 2-3, 2017 we will have two exciting days of racing - but come early on Friday, September 1 to participate in the Stingray Light Long Distance Race.
The Saturday Night Shindig will be a ton of fun Saturday night, with a yummy dinner and a fun band. Come dance under the tent with us, whether you race or not! Open to all members and their guests.
Learn more at the Stingray Point Regatta page! Register early, so everyone knows your coming!
Tags: junior, aod_regatta, laser, stingray, juniorraceteam, frontrunner, flyingscot, nationals, phrf