Mary Spencer on Monday February 21, 2011 11:52AM

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It’s that time again. Join us on the Eve of Spring for our annual “Spring Clean-up Day.” We will gather in main Clubhouse for coffee and refreshments at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided after clean-up.

On the agenda will be mulching, pruning, planting and raking. Registration can be made at www.fbyc.net . Or you can contact Ken Odell by email at Ken Odell or cell 804-241-6080 if you plan to volunteer.

See you on March 19th.
Ken Odell, Grounds Chairman

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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