Young Adults' Sunday Brunch at Matthews Yacht Club | June 28th

Blake Kimbrough on

Social Events
On June 28th the Young Adult Members' (YAM) group will be getting together for Sunday Brunch at Matthews Yacht Club.  All YAMs are invited to join the group 'by land, or by sea.'
    If by Sea:  37°27.8' N / 76°18.6' W
    If by Land:  Matthews Yacht Club, Yacht Club Rd, Hudgins, VA 23076
Weather permitting, several will set sail as a cruise in company to rendez-vous in Hudgins Creek, where they'll enjoy some delicious cooking from MYC's kitchen on that Sunday morning. Reservations will be made for 10:30am and, in order to ensure ample seating, any YAMs interested in joining the fun are strongly encouraged to RSVP via this …

Vessel Safety Inspection

George Sadler on

Cruising News

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary in action photo --Not A Link --

FBYC Captains and Crew,

If you wish to have a safety inspection done of your boat at the Club on Saturday morning, May 18, 2013, then please let me know via email or mobile phone.  We have members of the USCG Auxiliary Mathews Flotilla that have volunteered to perform the vessel examinations.

I will coordinate the appointment time for your inspection, which should only take about twenty minutes

For an idea of what they look for you may visit the following link:

or if you wish you can do your own assessment.

My mobile phone is 757-343-9890.

Safe sailing,
George Sadler
Cruising Division Commander


Young Adults Announce 2019 Events Schedule

Blake Kimbrough on

Social Events

The Young Adult Members Committee is pleased to announce its action-packed schedule for 2019. This year's highlights include a pre-season bowling night March 23rd in Richmond; an enhanced "Last Friday of the Month" movie night series, which was clearly a family-favorite for kicking the weekend; a fully loaded Memorial Day weekend; several unique cruise-in-company excursions; three different themed cookouts; and, of course, our penultimate annual corn hole tournament over Labor Day weekend. As a reminder, YAM events are open to all members, guests and accompanied prospective come one, come all...this will be our best year of all! Click here to see full schedule!

Follow us on Instagram @fbyc_yam    And join our Facebook Group Join FBYC YAM Facebook …

'Cheeseburger in Paradise' Lunch Rendezvous this Saturday

Blake Kimbrough on

Social Events

This Saturday the YAMs, led by committee members Katie & Arch Durham, will be doing a fun lunch cruise in company to Hole in the Wall Grill. This Jimmy Buffet themed lunch meetup is just a short run up into Gwynn's Island located by land at 384 Old Ferry Rd, Grimstead, VA 23064; or by water just tucked into Wharf's Creek (approximately 5 nautical miles from FBYC).


The first round of 'Boat Drinks' will be on the YAM committee, followed by a pay your own way lunch. Be sure to indicate your intent to join up via our facebook event page: Cheeseburger in Paradise Rendezvous. or contact us directly here: Email YAM Chair

FBYC Junior Regatta/Virginia Commonwealth's Cup June 26, 27th

Craig Ciszewski on

Club News

I am completely amazed how rich the "Corinthian spirit" has been at our club and how many members are volunteering for our upcoming two day regatta.  After a year of being bound by a computer our kids finally have the opportunity to be on the water again to represent our amazing sailing program and club.  We are hosting the Virginia State Championship which is also the season opener for CBYRA.  With registration open for about a month we have been successfully amassing an army of volunteers to serve over 100 sailors along with their family and friends.  As far as the eye can see will be an armada of kids geared and ready to give it their all June 26-27th …

Memorial Weekend---so much to do!

Elizabeth Staas on

Club News

FBYC offers our Fantastic Race, Sunflower Raft-up and Party Sunday, May 26.  Here are the details---sign up to reserve a spot for you, family and friends---our membership is encouraged to bring friends to enjoy all that FBUC has to offer.

FBYC Family and Junior Alumnae Regatta - Saturday, May 25.  Upcoming Details can be found here:

Annual Club Membership Update Monday, May 27 - Main Clubhouse Upstairs 9-10AM  Make sure you attend to hear all upcoming FBYC Planning as well as recent activities/successes.






Sign up for the many Memorial Weekend Festivities--Don't miss out!

Elizabeth Staas on

Clubhouse News

Memorial Weekend Activities and links to register:


Open House Regatta and Party – Our famous Sunflower Raft-up! Sunday, May 26  Members are encouraged to bring friends and family!  Ships’ Store will be OPEN.

Regatta and Dinner Sign-ups Here:

Volunteer Opportunities Sign-Up Here:


Questions about Sunflower Raft-up – David Hinckle is our Raft-Up Marshall  Cellular: (804) 370-7650 or reach out the afternoon of the event on Channel 71 to ensure your boat is directed to the best spot based on size/current configuration.


FBYC Family and Junior Alumnae Regatta - Saturday, May 25.  Upcoming Details can be found here:


Annual Club Membership …

Docking Rodeo---Sign me up!

Elizabeth Staas on

Clubhouse News

Have you seen those videos of fisherman whipping their boats into a dock for prizes---well....Mathews County is bringing it!  Our Cruising Leadership has a great venue to join in the fun and watch!

The event takes place on Saturday June 22nd from 11 AM to 7:00 PM at Williams Wharf on the East River and it is a benefit for the Mathews Volunteer Fire Dept. The event includes bands and beer. There will be food trucks and other vendors too. Organizers will shuttle you from your boat to the event. Hail them on VHF channel 18. This is a ticketed event, but you may be able to watch from your own boat anchored a safe distance away.


Click …

St. Mary's Governors Cup Race - Piankatank Start

Elizabeth Staas on

Offshore Racing

The Annual St. Mary's Governors Cup Race is OPEN for Registration.  FBYC is proudly serving a Race Committee for the Piankatank Start and we expect many participants--again---from our Cruising and Offshore Divisions.  The southern Start from Piankatank 5 is August 2 ending up at St. Mary's College for a whale of a party!  

Click Here for more details:  

2024 St. Mary's Governor's Cup Regatta

Women's Sailing Clinic - this weekend!

Caroline Patrick on

Club News

As of Tuesday (yesterday), 3 spots left for the Women's Sailing Clinic this Saturday / Sunday. Come join in on the sailing instruction and fun, as well as the Ladies' spritzer social on Saturday, not to be missed!

** NEW ** this year, a Door Prize to all registrants of the clinic: Chance to win a 1/2 Day lesson with FBYC's adult sailing program, kindly donated by club member, Marc Konesco, a fan of FBYC's Adult Sailing Program. **

More info and to Sign up

Annual Crew Training---Just a few slots left to sign up!

Elizabeth Staas on

Offshore Racing

Friends always interested in 'this sailing thing' you do all summer?  Well, here is the chance to lead them to SAILING!  Reach out to friends and send them our way for our Annual Crew Training!  

Classroom Sessions commence March 25 in Richmond.  

Details here:


Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters