Moonrise Over FBYC

Since 2005 we have assembled over 23,000 photos in FBYC's Flickr Account. These pictures have been viewed over 2,000,000 times. Over the years, we have shared our old credentials with many different volunteer photographers. Flickr has now been sold to SmugMug - and in the process they have forced us to change our credentials. Please contact Strother, Brian, Paul Almany, or Karen Soule to get the new credentials so we can keep the photos coming.
I am completely amazed how rich the "Corinthian spirit" has been at our club and how many members are volunteering for our upcoming two day regatta. After a year of being bound by a computer our kids finally have the opportunity to be on the water again to represent our amazing sailing program and club. We are hosting the Virginia State Championship which is also the season opener for CBYRA. With registration open for about a month we have been successfully amassing an army of volunteers to serve over 100 sailors along with their family and friends. As far as the eye can see will be an armada of kids geared and ready to give it their all June 26-27th …