Whittemore and Wake Finish 3rd at Scot NAC

Congratulations to Rob Whittemore and John Wake for finishing 3rd in the Flying Scot NAC. The regatta was held at Lake Norman in very light and trying wind conditions.
Congratulations to Rob Whittemore and John Wake for finishing 3rd in the Flying Scot NAC. The regatta was held at Lake Norman in very light and trying wind conditions.
Your Flying Scot District Championship was held this past weekend at the Susquehanna Yacht Club which is located several dozen farm fields northeast of Baltimore on a mile wide strip of the river. The weather was gorgeous and the wind, when it blew, was a tad bit shifty. This made for some challenging races in a 1.5 knot current that presented itself as a permanent ebb flow. Saturday included 1 race with wind from every point on the compass followed by SYC’s celebrated “grill your own chunk of cow” feast complete with generous portions of member prepared side dishes and a keg from America's oldest brewery. On Sunday the wind filled in nicely but the 1:30 pm …
Clark and Paula Dennison; Ann Murray (Jere's Sister)
Jere's Legacy Regatta was a wonderful event! There was excellent race course management by the race committee under trying conditions of shifty winds. There were three races and nineteen boats started the first race. The Regatta consisted of three boat divisions; Flying Scots (8), Typhoons (3), Portsmouth Class (8). The weather was perfect for this type of fun racing - and - no protests.
The Regatta social was outstanding. There was an enjoyable continental breakfast before the race. In addition to the racing, the after race awards social was a highlight of the event. There were approximately 70 people in attendance. Event sailors, family, friends of Jere - all to have fun and pay homage …
I am completely amazed how rich the "Corinthian spirit" has been at our club and how many members are volunteering for our upcoming two day regatta. After a year of being bound by a computer our kids finally have the opportunity to be on the water again to represent our amazing sailing program and club. We are hosting the Virginia State Championship which is also the season opener for CBYRA. With registration open for about a month we have been successfully amassing an army of volunteers to serve over 100 sailors along with their family and friends. As far as the eye can see will be an armada of kids geared and ready to give it their all June 26-27th …