1949 Virginia Sailing Regatta trophy

Someone on Facebook has this pretty copper trophy engraved "Moth - 1949 - First" and they are curious as to the provenance of the trophy. There is a current international class of boats called Moth that existed back in 1949. Please contact Strother if you know what this is. Thank you.
Update - Jere Dennison reports his second history article https://www.fbyc.net/Club/History/Articles/02vasailingregatta gives us the answer:
"In 1944, the Virginia Sailing Association, then consisting of UYC, Rappahannock River Yacht Club, Hampton Yacht Club, and Norfolk Yacht and Country Club, decided to consolidate the annual regattas of the individual clubs into a single event known as the Virginia Sailing Regatta. The first of these wartime regattas …