2014 Turkey Shoot Regatta Coming Up

This year the 2014 Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta at Rappahannock River Yacht Club has been moved up a weekend and quite a few FBYC boats are planning on taking part. 88 boats are already registered and range from 18' to over 45' and all of them must be of a design that is 25 or more years old.
This is an annual benefit for the local Hospice organization and FBYC's big boat racing has the weekend off - so consider heading down the Rappahannock and joining the fun.
FBYC Boats Registered as of 9/16 (scratch sheet)
- CHOMHCHUI - Frank Murphy
- Layla - Durwood Usry
- Onward - Jim Raper
- Thistledowne - Bill McClure
- Mad Hatter - Bob Fleck
- Trilogy - Wayland Rennie
- Kestrel …