FBYC Hosts USSailing Race Seminar

Jim Raper on

Club News

This past Saturday, FBYC hosted an all day (literally) seminar for those wanting to keep up with the new rule changes, to recertify as a club race officer, or to become certified as a new club race officer.  The seminar was well attended with folks from NYCC, HYC, RRYC, Kingsmill, and FBYC.  Of the 27 registered, 15 were from FBYC...that's impressive.  We were instructed by the team of John McCarthey (supervised by Lin McCarthey) and Jerry Thompson pictured below.  It's great to be part of a racing program that values and supports, informed and efficient race officers.  Thank you to all that participated - 2017 is going to be a great year.

USSailing One Day Race Management Seminar January 21st

Jim Raper on

Clubhouse News

There are still a few spots left for the seminar.  It is an all day class, taught upstairs in the main clubhouse, that enables your certification as a club race officer, if that's your goal.  Certainly, it exposes you to all that the Race Committee delivers on race day, whether you are a competitor or member of the race committee.

The course is open for registration until Sunday, January 15th.  Breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks and all course materials are provided with your entry fee.

Follow this link to register - http://www.ussailing.org/race-officials/find-a-seminar/race-officer-seminar-calendar/   or call Jim Raper at 804.307.3212 if you have questions.

Beginners Race Committee Training

Jim Raper on

Club News

This Saturday, April 30th at 2PM on Fanny’s Back Porch, a beginners’ Race Committee Training class will be held.  We’re using US Sailing’s, ‘Join the Race Committee Team’ pamphlet as a guide, supplemented by the other material that the club has put together over the years.  The goal is to provide enough information and handouts so that members and others who participate, understand and can fulfill each RC function before, during and after an event – with zero stress.  It’s a two-hour functional class covering each RC position and how each role fits into the overall race management objective.  

Opening Day 2015

Paul Wash on

Offshore Racing

Opening Day is less than two weeks away! I hope everyone has found time to start getting boats ready for the season. Let's kick off the season right with racing, a blessing, food, and entertainment. Come out and join the fun. Can't wait to see you there!

Official event information is here - check back for updates.

Online registration is easy and you can do it here - remember to buy your meals!

Also, don't forget to sign up to volunteer - let paul.wash@webnext.net know if you are interested.

Opening Day Schedule

9 AM: Flag raising and brief skippers meeting

11 AM: First warning for offshore fleet

5 PM: Onshore activities begin, bar open

530 …

Looking For A Few Good Gardeners!

Ed O'Connor on

Clubhouse News

The Grounds Committee is looking for a few volunteers to form an ad hoc committee to evaluate and improve the beauty of our campus.

This committee will identify old flower bed locations, identify new locations, provide recommendations for new shrubbery, provide design recommendations for various unimproved spaces, etc.

We have a modest budget to work with and willing hands to acquire, move and plant products.

If you’re interested and can provide time and expertise, let’s meet at noon on saturday, march 28th at the main clubhouse to walk and inspect our campus, develop plans and set this effort in motion.

Contact Ed O’Connor at: ed.oconnor@verizon.net  or 804-338-1142

Fall Project Day - December 6th!

Ken Odell on

Club News

It’s that time again. Join us for our annual “Fall Project Day.” We will gather in main Clubhouse for coffee and morning refreshments from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Lunch from Dano’s pizza will be served around noon at the Main Clubhouse for everyone.

On the agenda will be fall leaf pick-up and grounds winterization. Simply show up on Saturday and sign in or contact me at odellken@aol.com or 804.241.6080 for additional details or special assignments and/or register online.  

See you on December 6th.

Ken Odell, Grounds Chairman

Stingray Point Regatta - A View from the Bar

Len Guenther on

Club News

A terrific Social Committee, a squared away Race Committee, and Mother Nature all conspired last weekend to provide racers with an epic Stingray Point Regatta. As is often the case at FBYC, the volunteers made all the difference. This weekend Kelly Lambert and Lucy Norton made an enormous difference. From skipper packages to late night drink ticket sales, and from breakfast treats to rum-spiked ice cream, they were on point. I hope our heroic Social Chairman, Matt Lambert, buys these ladies dinner this week – ‘cause they made him look good.

How did I see this all from the bar? Easy, the skippers and crews from Corryvrecken, Nanuq, Mad Hatter, Airspeed, Afterthought, Cheeky Monkey, E.L.E., Nostalgia, and Juggernaut …

The YAM Committee Wants You!!!

Blake Kimbrough on

Social Events

Are you in your 20s / 30s / 40s and interested in getting more involved at the club??? 

We Want You

As we approach the close of summer and begin looking ahead to 2019, the YAM Committee is welcoming interested and energetic members to join our crew.  The commitments are relatively lightweight, but the fun we have is off the charts!  Whether you've been a member since birth, joined primarily for your kids to enjoy the junior program, or literally just joined the club and are still figuring out what you are going to enjoy most as a member...we are excited to engage fresh ideas from across our diverse membership.

If you're interested in learning more and considering joining us in making 2019 the …

FBYC Junior Regatta/Virginia Commonwealth's Cup June 26, 27th

Craig Ciszewski on

Club News

I am completely amazed how rich the "Corinthian spirit" has been at our club and how many members are volunteering for our upcoming two day regatta.  After a year of being bound by a computer our kids finally have the opportunity to be on the water again to represent our amazing sailing program and club.  We are hosting the Virginia State Championship which is also the season opener for CBYRA.  With registration open for about a month we have been successfully amassing an army of volunteers to serve over 100 sailors along with their family and friends.  As far as the eye can see will be an armada of kids geared and ready to give it their all June 26-27th …

Sign-up for the 4th of July Party! Early Bird Deadline 6/30

Karen Akens on

Social Events


We hope you and your family and friends will join us for a relaxed family friendly 4th of July party at FBYC.  Registration for the party is now live on the website - register by the early-bird deadline of 6/30 at 8 p.m. to take advantage of our very reasonable picnic party price of $7 for adults and $5 for kids.  We kindly ask that all attendees pre-register and pre-pay to ensure we have food and fun for all!  Hop on over to our Sign-up page to select your meals and let us know you are attending!

Of course, we can't offer these fabulous events without a little help from our members - can you give us 30-60 minutes of …

Volunteers NEEDED for 4th of July

Karen Akens on

Social Events


We hope you and your family and friends will join us for a relaxed family friendly 4th of July party at FBYC.  Of course, we can't offer these fabulous events without a little help from our members - and we are still looking for some help to serve food, tend the grill, and everyone's favorite job - serve up the drinks.  Can you give us 30-60 minutes of your time on Sunday, July 4th to help make this another great FBYC social event?  Volunteering is a great way to meet other members of the club! Sign-up to help by Clicking Here to Volunteer!

Looking to Volunteer?

Julie Ann Wash on

Club News

Looking to volunteer and want to know what opportunities are coming up soon?  Log on to FBYC.net and on the top menu on the Members tab, visit the volunteering link. You can also find volunteering opportunities on the FBYC Facebook page, and Event Pages.

Remember, our club is successful because of the generous gift of time of by our members.  We ask that all members sign up to volunteer at an event this year!  Thank you to all of those who have done so already!



Sign up for the many Memorial Weekend Festivities--Don't miss out!

Elizabeth Staas on

Clubhouse News

Memorial Weekend Activities and links to register:


Open House Regatta and Party – Our famous Sunflower Raft-up! Sunday, May 26  Members are encouraged to bring friends and family!  Ships’ Store will be OPEN.

Regatta and Dinner Sign-ups Here:  https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/27899

Volunteer Opportunities Sign-Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080C4FA5AA2BA4FF2-49233246-2024#/


Questions about Sunflower Raft-up – David Hinckle is our Raft-Up Marshall david@bpsva.com  Cellular: (804) 370-7650 or reach out the afternoon of the event on Channel 71 to ensure your boat is directed to the best spot based on size/current configuration.


FBYC Family and Junior Alumnae Regatta - Saturday, May 25.  Upcoming Details can be found here: https://www.fbyc.net/events/2024/240525-onedesign-family-junior-alumni-regatta/


Annual Club Membership …

FBYC and US Sailing - Basic Race Management Seminar Saturday, March 29, 2025

Elizabeth Staas on

Club News

Attention all FBYC members!   The FBYC Race Management Committee is pleased to announce that a Basic Race Management Seminar is coming to FBYC on Saturday, March 29, 2025.  Taught by experienced US Sailing Certified Instructors, this course is for anyone who wishes to learn about running sailboat races, from setting up starts, setting courses, finishing, scoring and everything in between.  This course is for those newly interested in race management, those with experience who want to deepen their learning, and for those wanting to apply for or renew their US Sailing Certified Race Officer status. 


Limited number of seats so register now:

Click Here (or use Control/Click) for Event Details and to register via US Sailing


Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters