Trophy Nominations for 2004 Season
Tuesday September 21, 2004 09:11PM
onThe following trophies are up for your nominations to FBYC sailors: Piankatank Trophy, Matthew Fontaine Maury Bowl, Competition Trophy, Allen B. Fine Trophy, The Hubard Trophy, Sportsmanship Trophy, and the Annual Race Committee Trophy.
Please contact Debbie Cycotte - Trophy Chairman - BY OCTOBER 1st with your nominations. dcycotte@yahoo.comPIANKATANK TROPHY - recognizes the FBYC skipper who most exemplifies the principle that "all is not lost until the boat sinks".
MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY BOWL - recognizes a member of FBYC for an outstanding contribution to sailing at Fishing Bay Yacht Club.
COMPETITION TROPHY - recognizes a member of FBYC who is the skipper of an enrolled off-shore or one-design boat and who most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs or associations during the past year. Nominations should consider the character (local, regional, national) of events entered and the quality of competition as well as the member's performance.
ALLEN B. FINE TROPHY - recognizes the outstanding crewman of an FBYC enrolled yacht. Any skipper who is a club member may nominate anyone who has crewed on a FBYC boat (off-shore or one-design) during the regular club season.
THE HUBARD TROPHY - awarded to the outstanding woman sailor of FBYC in recognition of dedication, participation, and performance & sportsmanship while sailing.
SPORTSMANSHIP TROPHY - recognizes the Offshore Division skipper who displays the best sportsmanship during the regular season.
ANNUAL RACE COMMITTEE TROPHY - awarded to the club membeer who has made the greatest contribution to race committee work and race management at FBYC.