Web Site software upgraded by Baymountain
Friday September 14, 2001 09:53AM
onFBYC is fortunate to have its website hosting provided by Baymountain, a small company in Richmond led by our Offshore Lt. Commander, Mark Wensell. The site uses open source software - primarily Zope and Squishdot.
In the weeks before the Stingray Regatta a problem in posting, editing and deleting news articles surfaced. Recently Baymountain has upgraded our site to Zope 2.3.3 and Squishdot 1.3.0. The upgrade is almost complete - everything seems to be working fine, except we are still unable to search articles on the main FBYC web page.
Thanks to Mark and Baymountain for providing and continuing to manage the software and infrastructure for our web site.