Website meeting in Russia
Thursday October 9, 2014 10:28AM
onSome of you may have seen the name Eugene Morozov mentioned in my website reports from time to time. The FBYC website was first started in 2001 using Zope, which went out of favor shortly thereafter. Since about 2005, I have been using a programmer in Russia named Eugene Morozov who is experienced with Zope and actually likes working with it. He has been our primary programmer for the last 9 years. He has also been heavily involved with our new initiatives using Django technology. All our contact has been through email and lately texting Skype. Until last month I had only had 2 verbal conversations over all those years.
In September, 2014, Evie and I travelled to see St. Petersburg Russia and Eugene and his friend Marina travelled from Moscow to meet us there for several days. We took two days of tours together and ate at several restaurants, including a Central Asian restaurant he likes because it serves food from his native Uzbekistan. The pictures show us together in St. Petersburg.
Among the pictures are a sailing vessel used by Peter the Great when he was a teenager. He later became Czar and still sailed in that boat around in the river at St. Petersburg.
And the old WWI vessel is the Aurora. On the night of October 25-26, 1917, it fired a blank shot at the Winter Palace (then the residence of the Provisional Government), giving the signal to the rebellious workers, soldiers and sailors of the city to storm the palace. That moment triggered a dramatic episode in Russia's history and was the start of over 70 years of Communist leadership.
I look forward to continuing working on the website with Eugene, and it was very nice to finally meet him. He has been a great help to me in supporting the website needs.
Tags: website