Whale sighted in the Chesapeake Bay
Friday October 22, 2010 12:16PM
on"Copyright Rappahannock Record , used with permission." October 22, 2010
Bryan, Terri and Jonathan Flagg of Deltaville and Ashland were on their boat October 10 when they spotted this whale in the Chesapeake Bay near Windmill Point. Jonathan took photos of the whale with his Blackberry. Paul Summers of White Stone and Annapolis, Md., also was fishing in the vicinity with his father and spotted the whale. They rode along beside it for about 30 minutes. It was a very large whale, said Summers. Ive done a lot of ocean fishing and seen a lot of whales. This was probably a humpback and a mature adult. The whale was spotted in about 20 feet of water. According to Joan Barns with the Virginia Aquarium in Virginia Beach, whale sightings in the Chesapeake Bay are not unheard of but they arent common. Staff from the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response team also believe it was a humpback.