Wondering What to do After Rosegill?
Thursday May 17, 2007 06:17AM
onDo you sometimes get the "after Rosegill Blues"? Does racing at RRYC or cruising home alone on Sunday leave you empty and unfulfilled? The Cruising Division has a cure for this, the After Rosegill Cruise to Yankee Point Yacht Club.
May 23 is the deadline for signing up for the Cruising Division's annual "after-Rosegill" event, this year a cruise from Rosegill to Yankee Point Yacht Club on Myers Creek just off the Corrotoman River. Slips will be limited so plan to anchor out. Bring beverages and hors d'oeuvre for cocktails at 6pm. Cruise chairmen Stella and Charlie Jones will supply dinner ( N.C. BBQ) at 7:15, assisted by FBYC member and YPYC Commodore Charles Lytton. Cruisers, racers, and children welcomed!
Register by 5/23 at the website or RSVP to Stella and Charlie at 336-273-9158 or stellajone@aol.com.
Tags: rosegill